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(Redirected from ParserMarket)

MoinMoinWiki is a Python based set of Wiki code.

See http://moinmo.in/ for more details. Keep feature list on the Wiki code page please.

MoinMoinWiki Market Model[edit | edit source]

This was an innovative model back in 2003

A Market Model is used in MoinMoin to make it easy to do extension (see ParserMarket, ProcessorMarket, SkinMarket and especially ActionMarket).

One is also proposed (mostly by trolls which not coincidentally appear in the logo of MoinMoin itself) that this model is the right way to adjust scores, and that betting is the right way to correct Content Wiki, as with the regular stock market.

(moved here from Market Model)

ActionMarket[edit | edit source]

ActionMarket is a feature of the MoinMoin Market Model. See for example http://twistedmatrix.com/users/jh.twistd/moin/moin.cgi/ActionMarket

With this, it would be ridiculously easy to support APC Action Apps and any barcode and betting extensions required to deal with score reality.

TikiWiki and MediaWiki would be stupid not to copy this architecture - see Alternate wiki-implementations for more requirements and comparisons.

(moved here from ActionMarket)

ParserMarket[edit | edit source]

ParserMarket is a feature of the MoinMoin Market Model. See for example http://twistedmatrix.com/users/jh.twistd/moin/moin.cgi/ParserMarket

With this, it is ridiculously easy to support an evolving wikitext standard.

TikiWiki and MediaWiki would be stupid not to copy this architecture - see Alternate wiki-implementations for more requirements and comparisons.

(moved from ParserMarket)

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