User:Jukeboksi/BBA studies/ICT

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    ICT skills for Business

    General info about computing facilities in HH

    • w:Cloud computing multiple w:abstraction layers provide ability to move virtual servers around the cloud. It can anticipate breaking down of single physical components and move the services to a sound, functional piece of server hardware in advance to the physcial component breaking up. In addition to these fault surviving technology cloud computing is very w:ecologically efficient as several, even tens of w:virtual servers can live on one physical machine instead of expensive server hardware sitting idly as the load is much lower then the total processing power by a factor of 10x or so. The w:Microsoft Office 2010 at HH is from-cloud. With cloud computing w:Infrastructure as a Service is feasible.
    • w:WinSCP is the tool of choice for moving files to network folders. If you are using OS X, Linux or FreeBSD at home you can use the pre-installed command line tool scp to get same functionality ( move files between machines securely ). The scp uses underlying ssh tool for security and encryption which can be used to securely connect to a shell on a server.

    Power Point 2010

    Word 2010

    ICT Skilss for Business 2


    • Payment calculation
    w:Principal * w:Interest rate == w:Interest
    w:Present value
    w:Future value