The Consumerium Exchange

    From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
    Revision as of 21:42, 21 September 2003 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (brief introduction to the purpose of the exchange)

    The Consumerium Exchange is where people can voice their opinion on which disputed article or campaign is closest to the truth at a certain period of time.

    The purpose of The Consumerium Exchange is to provide an popularity measurement for different opinions, which determines the default opinion shown to the consumer on each issue.

    The consumer can override the view with her/his own preferences. One important preference is the slider to set how much weight direct and indirect votes get.

    Perhaps every person gets two votes on each issue:

    • An indirect vote. This vote cannot be used directly, but must can be assigned to an registered not-for-profit organsation, that uses the voting power as decided by the governance of the organisation, thus rendering the identity of the vote holder anonymous.
    • An direct vote. This is perhaps a little unfair since people who don't have access to computer systems are likely unable to use their direct vote.

    Where issue is a disputed article or a campaign on a company, product group or product

    This permits several factions to develop and align behind different views, and for those who choose a faction or a point of view defined by a faction on one issue, it permits buy or not decisions to be made clearly. Without this facility, there will be less "green light" and "red light" clarity, and more "yellow light" ambiguity.