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Consumerium User Stories

From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 15:59, 27 November 2003 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (Invest sustainably and get good returns sustainably)

Consumerium User Stories are just story fragments that, when Consumerium Services are real, will also potentially be real. They focus on best cases and worst cases with some elements of, or hints at, visions and threats so that the more emotional elements of the story match our more emotional concerns about the project.

So far there are no such stories. Please write the first one! To understand how these can help drive the project review the somewhat similiar Simple English (Wikipedia) User Stories that focus on the types of people and needs that another related and essential project tries to fulfil.

Consumer Point of View

Avoid multinationals, support small businesses

Understanding that people employed by small and medium size businesses usually feel more fulfillment from their work and less distress then people working for giant multinationals you, the consumer, like to choose products from smaller companies whenever plausible. Consumerium Services make this a snap by providing fairly accurate measurements of company sizes. Wide group of voluntary researchers have accumulated enough data to make it possible to put each company into the right context of companies producing a certain product group thus providing relative company size in a glimpse. Get empowered without wasting time.

Producer Point of View

Get more accurate marketing for less

Advertisement Videos streamed straight to and only to the interested potential customer provides a better focus for your marketing efforts. Audio-visual marketing is enabled for unprecedentedly small businesses and low volume products

Investor Point of View

Invest sustainably and get good returns sustainably

Stay in touch with potential pitfalls in investments by using aggregate data from Opinion Wiki thus stay safe of investing in possibly destructive business ventures. Sleep easy with knowing that there is always someone awake looking after that your investment does more good then bad where ever it ventures. Socially responsible consumers are glad to reward your socially responsible investing over and over again.

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