
Revision as of 16:26, 5 March 2004 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (Begin conversation. 142.177.X.X is very welcome to this start)
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You are suggesting that The Consumerium buying signal is generated solely from Signal Wiki which would imply that Campaigns are maintained in the Signal Wiki instead of Opinion Wiki (which you strangely equate with Research Wiki)

If this (campaigns, which manifest opinions of various factions mixed in with facts) is the idea, then I would like to know what purpose does Research Wiki serve, free circulation of fiction or what.

And further on how would the flow of information from the Research Wiki to Signal Wiki managed.

Bear in mind that the original idea to distinguishing Consumerium Services into two Wikis, the Opinion Wiki with stricter semantics, higher access security and more controlled datastructures and Content Wiki with stricter syntax to enable Automatic comparisons detailed in The features page. Now with four wikis proposed and lot's of confusion to which goes where and what goes forward I'm thinking that why do we even need two wikis???

Could you explain functioning (eg. how are features such as feedback) and wiki management of Signal Wiki and Research Wiki done. You have numerous times semi-vandalised us by AWR and general critique that all wiki's are run terribly, so please tell us how to do it right!

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