Former Aral Sea Shores
Welcome to Former Aral Sea Shore where non-paid trolls and non-paid-admins mingle and murrmurr
Current activities consist of:
- w:Fishing with nets
- Repairing the nets
- Watering the plants in the #Badland Gardens
- Dancing, drumming and chanting
- w:Kiteboarding
- Painting
- Building
- Editing
- Cotton jokes
- Commiemism jokes
- Capitalism jokes
- Anarcho-Anarchism jokes
- Drying fish
- Raw picling fish
- Making fires
- Smoking fish - Yum. Neh, neh, neh.
We do hope you will enjoy your stay at FASS.
Badland Gardens
Trolls and editors need to tend to the Consumium Badland Gardens. The plants need water and love like articles need editing and wikilove.
Irrigation Controlls
Here you can ask your questions if you have any about Consum(er)ium.