User:Juxo/Wikipedia software ideas
For Wikipedia and Other sites using Wikipedia Software
See Highly Avantgarde Client Side Accelerated Wikifying
- Trolls ask How about barcodes corresponding to Wikipedia article names, so that one swipe brings up that URL? Then you could put stickers on everything. Consumerium could really use that, obviously.
For Wikipedia and Wiktionary interaction
- Automatical link from Wiktionary article to Wikipedia article or notification that there is no article on this subject in Wikipedia.
- A new preference in Wikipedia that allows you to set the languages you speak well
- When surfing to an Wikipedia article get automatically notified if the article name exists in Wiktionary and whether there are any languages missing that you could do.
- Taken further the link colors of all links in the article could be set to indicate whether there is something for you to contribute in Wiktionary (performance hogger i know).
For Wikipedia
- New wiki syntax for marking up geographical references, which would make it possible to do geographical searches (heavy, heavy performace hogger, but leading the way into future for the rest of the web. This geographical indexing would require a new machine(s)). See m:Geospatial reference
- Trolls suggest this be coordinated with P2Pmap which is thinking through geo-searches.
- Downloading/Uploading your Watchlist. Multiple watchlists: Private and group watchlists. This would be useful:
- with a watchlist merger tool so that groups (such as Consumerium developers), who want to keep an eye on articles of common interest, could download and merge their Watchlists occasionally.
- Multiple named watchlists would allow formation of Emergent Knowledge collections
- This could even spark up a match-making site where people are matched according to their watchlists ;)
- A new preference, that edits under 1 line automatically go to the Summary (performance hogger, I know)
- New Special Page: List of external links sitewide
For Wiktionary
- The possibility to set a default Summary text, like I would use "+fi", cause I'm competent to do only Finnish translations. This should be disabled in Wikipedia since it might incite people to spam in their Summaries.
- The possibility to filter recent changes with the following clauses:
- Search for pages where language string XYZ does not exist. (For finding places to contribute)
- Trolls suggest automatic integration with Rosetta Project - automatically makes all languages there part of Wiktionary!