Product and service classifications: Difference between revisions

UNSPSC: link to wikipedia article
UNSPSC: added another quote from Wikipedia
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== UNSPSC ==
== UNSPSC ==
{{Q|The '''[[w:United Nations Standard Products and Services Code|United Nations Standard Products and Services Code]]''' ('''UNSPSC''') is a [[w:Taxonomy (general)|taxonomy]] of products and services for use in [[w:eCommerce|eCommerce]].  It is a four-level hierarchy coded as an eight-digit number, with an optional fifth level adding two more digits.|Wikipedia|UNSPSC}}
{{Q|The '''[[w:United Nations Standard Products and Services Code|United Nations Standard Products and Services Code]]''' ('''UNSPSC''') is a [[w:Taxonomy (general)|taxonomy]] of products and services for use in [[w:eCommerce|eCommerce]].  It is a four-level hierarchy coded as an eight-digit number, with an optional fifth level adding two more digits.|Wikipedia|What is the UNSPSC?}}
{{Q|The four primary levels of the code are: Segment, Family, Class and Commodity. Each level is coded in two decimal digits, with '00' treated specially to give segments, families and classes their own eight-digit codes.|Wikipedia|How is the [[w:UNSPSC|UNSPSC]] structured?}}
