User:Jukeboksi/Thinking aloud: Difference between revisions

thinking about merging Content and Opinion wiki
you're confusing Mediawiki's problems (which should not be our problems) with design issues - also signal/research is clearer than content/opinion
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This has advantages:
This has advantages:
*Better scalability
*Better scalability
*Better security (HTTPS?) for Opinion Wiki without performance losses in Content Wiki
*Better security (HTTPS?) for [[Content Wiki]] without performance losses in [[Opinion Wiki]]
*Differentiated sysops
*Differentiated [[sysop power structure]] to deal with things that directly alter the [[Consumerium buying signal]] (content) versus not.
*What else is there
*Use of one to experiment for the others
*What else is there?

and disadvantages:
and disadvantages which would apply only if [[mediawiki]] were used:
*Distinct Recent Changes (could be hacked to show both in one view)
*Distinct Recent Changes (could be hacked to show both in one view)
*Double login (can maybe be avoided by sharing the session)
*Double login (can maybe be avoided by sharing the session, or using jabber id)
*Checking link correctness is more work (could be hacked too)  
*Checking link correctness is more work (could be hacked too)
*Differentiated sysops
*Differentiated [[sysop power structure]] easier to subvert by [[usurper]]s unless care is taken
*What else is there
*What else is there?

I hear that [ OpenFacts] have done something like session sharing with multiple wikis with MediaWiki. Must inquire them about their solution and experiences
I hear that [ OpenFacts] have done something like session sharing with multiple wikis with [[MediaWiki]]. Must inquire them about their solution and experiences

For what I've been able to think lately maybe merging [[Content Wiki]] and [[Opinion Wiki]] into just one [[wiki]] could prove most workable. Since almost all article types have been defined already and will use a [[pseudo namespace]] or a real one if we hack it to support more true namespaces.
For what I've been able to think lately maybe merging [[Content Wiki]] and [[Opinion Wiki]] into just one [[wiki]] could prove most workable. Since almost all article types have been defined already and will use a [[pseudo namespace]] or a real one if we hack it to support more true namespaces.
:What about [[Signal:Exxon]] versus [[Research:Exxon]]?  Something has to be debated as research before it is accepted as reliable enough for the [[Consumerium buying signal]] to be affected? Ditch the words "content" and "opinion", they mean nothing.
:You're confusing design issues with [[wiki code]] issues.  Don't bend design around [[mediawiki]], it's garbage and will never work on the scale or with the reliability required.  Other wikis do a much better job of dealing with these problems, and will do better in future, certainly.  The [[tikiwiki]] people have already dealt with a lot of these issues, and the [[OneBigWiki]] people are working on login and changes issues, although they are wrong to think [[MeatballWiki]] is going to help, it's not a solution, it's another problem.  The [[MoinMoin]] people could merge all this easily since they are using common [[Python]] facilities.
:Don't lose the two

===From [[Opinion Wiki]]===
===From [[Opinion Wiki]]===