Consumerium:Proposed deletions: Difference between revisions

anwsers to claims of "unaccountable deletions"
arrange, separate proposed, executed and not executed deletions
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Place '''proposed deletions''' on this page with a rationale.  They will stand for at least a week before any action is taken.  Elaborate arguments under each page name in point form;  Try to stick to [[TIPAESA]] form or a subset of it.
Place '''proposed deletions''' on this page with a rationale.  They will stand for at least a week before any action is taken.  Elaborate arguments under each page name in point form;  Try to stick to [[TIPAESA]] form or a subset of it.
==Proposed deletions==
===September 8===

Proposals for deletion made September 8, for action September 15:
Proposals for deletion made September 8, for action September 15:

*[[troll droppings]] - redirect used exactly once seemingly only to degrade [[troll text]]; unwisely applying an overly organic [[conceptual metaphor]];  one ought not to confuse mythological creatures that have [[no body]] with real living creatures that do, and which leave droppings;  presumably it is only one's [[some body|non-troll body]] that can leave any fertilizer around
*[[Alleged Wikimedia corruption]], recommandation.

*[[Craig Hubley]] - article was deemed too inaccurate for [[Wikipedia]] and is probably not relevant to [[wiki mission]];  also there is apparently some kind of policy against pages "about [[person X]]" though some have advocated that there be exceptions for people relevant to specific [[worst cases]] and [[threats]].  Unless this person represents such a worst case or threat, which would have to be proven by documenting a case study or [[design fiction]] that made some reference to him, that was more credible with him in the story than with anyone else, his name is irrelevant to the wiki and should be deleted.  If important it can re-emerge in the [[Research Wiki]].
==Not deleted==
::[[Talk:Craig Hubley]] might stand however as it has some useful accusations and comment in it.  If we consider [[suing for funding]] to be useful that is.

===September 8===
*[[article hub]] - meaningless name:  everything is an article and any article can be a hub to reach others;  move the content to various other articles on the specific topics, as part of streamlining of [[Consumerium Process]] pages, and attempt to outline what a [[Consumerium Research pilot]] and working [[Research Wiki]] would look like
*[[article hub]] - meaningless name:  everything is an article and any article can be a hub to reach others;  move the content to various other articles on the specific topics, as part of streamlining of [[Consumerium Process]] pages, and attempt to outline what a [[Consumerium Research pilot]] and working [[Research Wiki]] would look like
::Counter: Untill someone comes up with a more rational structure for navigating these deep swamps of this development wiki this will stay as it offers quick jump points to some of the most essential articles to understand what consumerium is about. --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 18:38, 30 Sep 2004 (EEST)

*[[Ending Wikimedia]] - not a [[Consumerium]] related matter. We aren't in the business of scrutinizing [[non-profit]] organisations. We are leaving it up to each [[consumer]] to decide what organisations to trust and what not. See [[Preferences]] on this --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 14:23, 8 Sep 2004 (EEST)
==Executed deletions==

::Counter-argument:  unless we [[end Wikimedia]], it will remain a platform for various attacks on [[Consumerium]]. The people who *promote* corporate power at [[Wikipedia]] are exactly the people who will become [[funded troll]]s that will fill [[Research Wiki]] with pro-corporate propaganda or censor the truth about corporate activities.  Wikimedia is like the Al Qaeda of journalism:  it trains people to engage in mindless attacks with no potential for any dialogue.
'''See [[Consumerium:Deletion log]] for a full listing of deletions (incl. those that were deleted unilaterally without going through this page)'''

*[[Suing for funding]] - this is total bullshit and is degrading to think that anyone serious about our goals would suggest such. anyways, these types of thing are not for the anonymous contributors who revel in being [[trolls]].
===September 8===
*[[Gus Kouwenhoven]], '''unaccountably deleted''', apparently a personal friend of someone who thinks [[sysop vandalism]] is appropriate and warranted to protect the reputation of this most excellent person Mr Kouwenhoven who has so many rights that he can pretty much wipe out a whole continent before anyone at [[Consumerium]] would ever notice

::Your reasoning is flawed: MANY nonprofits are funded from the proceeds of lawsuits against unethical journalists. MANY. Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley are only one good example.
.:Deleted per standard [[rules]] that are in place to help us focus on developing some kind of information gathering and publishing system without getting dragged in accountability issues '''here and now''' so we can focus on how we deal with these when they arise in the production stage. --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 16:30, 9 Sep 2004 (EEST)
*[[Fox News point of view]], '''unaccountably deleted''', apparently by someone who thinks that it isn't important or biasing that [[Wikimedia]] and Bomis are often accused of this view, e.g. by [[English Wikipedia User Richardchilton]], or that it's a major focus of debate about media in the USA.

:::Many may be but on the other hand you can quote the Grant&Hurley case as an example of this because it was them who [[donation|donated]] the money to the [[non-profit]] not that the non-profit would have sued someone. Keep your facts and your fiction apart --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 16:30, 9 Sep 2004 (EEST)
::Same as above. See [[Rules]]
===September 30===
*[[troll droppings]] - redirect used exactly once seemingly only to degrade [[troll text]]; unwisely applying an overly organic [[conceptual metaphor]];  one ought not to confuse mythological creatures that have [[no body]] with real living creatures that do, and which leave droppings;  presumably it is only one's [[some body|non-troll body]] that can leave any fertilizer around
*[[Craig Hubley]] - article was deemed too inaccurate for [[Wikipedia]] and is probably not relevant to [[wiki mission]];  also there is apparently some kind of policy against pages "about [[person X]]" though some have advocated that there be exceptions for people relevant to specific [[worst cases]] and [[threats]].  Unless this person represents such a worst case or threat, which would have to be proven by documenting a case study or [[design fiction]] that made some reference to him, that was more credible with him in the story than with anyone else, his name is irrelevant to the wiki and should be deleted. If important it can re-emerge in the [[Research Wiki]].

::If this goes, remove [[talk:Craig Hubley]] too as the only reason to keep it around is to sue for funding.
::[[Talk:Craig Hubley]] might stand however as it has some useful accusations and comment in it.  If we consider [[suing for funding]] to be useful that is.
*[[Ending Wikimedia]] - not a [[Consumerium]] related matter. We aren't in the business of scrutinizing [[non-profit]] organisations. We are leaving it up to each [[consumer]] to decide what organisations to trust and what not. See [[Preferences]] on this --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 14:23, 8 Sep 2004 (EEST)

::: LOL. if Mr. Hubley ventures forth such an evil plan and succeeds, he too will be a funded troll. MUAHAHAHAAH [[User:|]] 04:55, 9 Sep 2004 (EEST)
::Counter-argument: unless we [[end Wikimedia]], it will remain a platform for various attacks on [[Consumerium]].  The people who *promote* corporate power at [[Wikipedia]] are exactly the people who will become [[funded troll]]s that will fill [[Research Wiki]] with pro-corporate propaganda or censor the truth about corporate activities.  Wikimedia is like the Al Qaeda of journalism: it trains people to engage in mindless attacks with no potential for any dialogue.
*[[Suing for funding]] - this is total bullshit and is degrading to think that anyone serious about our goals would suggest such. anyways, these types of thing are not for the anonymous contributors who revel in being [[trolls]]. --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 18:38, 30 Sep 2004 (EEST)

*[[Gus Kouwenhoven]], '''unaccountably deleted''', apparently a personal friend of someone who thinks [[sysop vandalism]] is appropriate and warranted to protect the reputation of this most excellent person Mr Kouwenhoven who has so many rights that he can pretty much wipe out a whole continent before anyone at [[Consumerium]] would ever notice
::Your reasoning is flawed:  MANY nonprofits are funded from the proceeds of lawsuits against unethical journalists.  MANY.  Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley are only one good example.

.:Deleted per standard [[rules]] that are in place to help us focus on developing some kind of information gathering and publishing system without getting dragged in accountability issues '''here and now''' so we can focus on how we deal with these when they arise in the production stage. --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 16:30, 9 Sep 2004 (EEST)
:::Many may be but on the other hand you can quote the Grant&Hurley case as an example of this because it was them who [[donation|donated]] the money to the [[non-profit]] not that the non-profit would have sued someone. Keep your facts and your fiction apart --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 16:30, 9 Sep 2004 (EEST)
*[[Fox News point of view]], '''unaccountably deleted''', apparently by someone who thinks that it isn't important or biasing that [[Wikimedia]] and Bomis are often accused of this view, e.g. by [[English Wikipedia User Richardchilton]], or that it's a major focus of debate about media in the USA.
::Same as above. See [[Rules]]

*[[Alleged Wikimedia corruption]], recommandation.
:::This was just a stupid article that is in no way in accordance with [[Consumerium:We|Our]] [[Consumerium:Philosophy|Philosophy]] but rather quite the opposite --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 18:38, 30 Sep 2004 (EEST)