User:Jukeboksi/Blog/August2004: Difference between revisions

busy with trying to locate a roof over my head
m Jukeboksi moved page User:Juboxi/Blog/August2004 to User:Jukeboksi/Blog/August2004: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Juboxi" to "Jukeboksi"
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I've found a flat, which has made things somewhat simpler :) , but now I have to wait three weeks for the operator guys to get to installing ADSL for me here :(
I managed to find a flat and it looks like next weekend I'm going to spend moving my stuff from me previous flat but after that I hope to get back to developing consumerium with a bit more effort and focus then in the past months.
:Why not concentrate on [[performance requirements]] and [[protocol requirements]] for now.  Get them to specify some [[extreme standards]].  Then [[hardware requirements]] and last [[software requirements]].  Doing things in that order may attract the most trolliest trolls.
:Though on software it would be good to think about [[web browser toolbar]]s and [[cell phone menu]]s that would be required to make [[Consumerium Services]] really convenient to use anywhere, anytime, in any roam zone or from any public [[kiosk]] web browser.
I just counted that it seems that 22 of our 63 registered users are apparently [[trolls]]. That must be among the highest [[troll]] densities in [[wiki]]s these days