User:Jukeboksi/Blog/April2004: Difference between revisions

Working on CorpKnowPedia.
m Jukeboksi moved page User:Juboxi/Blog/April2004 to User:Jukeboksi/Blog/April2004: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Juboxi" to "Jukeboksi"
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Continuing research in [[CorpKnowPedia]]. Slowly but steadily now that we have mysql backups.
Doing research for [[CorpKnowPedia]] i bumped into which shows the organizational complexity we at [[Consumerium:Itself]] with the help of [[CorpKnowPedia]] must tackle.
At [[CorpKnowPedia]]. I've asked them for [[MySQL dump]]s of old and cur tables so that what happened at [[Recyclopedia]] doesn't happen again. CorpKnowPedia is much more viable as an information source and may be of great importance to [[Consumerium]] operations.
More redundant copy-paste and other jobs at [[CorpKnowPedia]]. I think we are all waiting for [[MediaWiki]] 1.3.0 with [[XML]] export-import
Today I've been sorting publicly traded / not traded assets on [[CorpKnowPedia]] but there is a long way to go.
Here is the complete search term listing from our access.log (httpd) with numbers of accesses (clicks)
#reqs: search term
  <nowiki>-----: -----------</nowiki>
  98: [[Near Field Communication|near field communication]]
  78: [[wiki implementations]] ([[Alternate wiki-implementations]])
  74: [[price premium]]
  73: [[gtin]]
  70: [[consumerium]]
  62: [[types of companies]]
  50: [[chat code]]
  46: [[systematic bias]]
  39: [[Gus Kouwenhoven]]
  37: [[SA8000|sa8000]]
  35: [[simple english]]
  34: [[Advertisement Video]]
  29: [[economic choice]]
  27: [[gpl explained]]
  26: [[political spectrum]]
  24: [[political consumerism]]
  24: [[list of controversial topics]]
  22: [[3GPP|3gpp]] files
  22: [[wiki code]]
  21: [[barcode]] standards
This is a list of references by search phrase by an external search such as Google. Note that some links use capitalization opposite to the visible link text.
:The way [[NFC]] has shot up in the search phrase straight to the top indicates a buzz on this technology
Today is Juxo's day off
Yet another day on [[CorpKnowPedia]]. Also doing some work on [[OurAnswer]] which looks very interesting since they are planning to archive and comment upon statements made by [[company]] executives.
:That is, mainly fixing typos of [[OurAnswer]] sysop who can't obviously write two lines in English without inserting three errors! P.
Seems the word is spreading today I grepped through Analog analysis of httpd.log and there were 91 distinct top level domains or TLDs that had accessed [[Consumerium]].