User:Jukeboksi/Bluetooth Car: Difference between revisions

NFC devices into gas-nozzles
m tweaks
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Well this is not actually [[Consumerium]] related except that this is an ecological thingy.
Well this is not actually [[Consumerium]] related except that this is an ecological thingy.

== Analogy ==

If '''driving a car''' were like '''making a call'''
If '''driving a car''' were like '''making a call'''...
*Owning a car were like having a home telephone
* Owning a car were like having a home telephone.
*Taking a taxi or renting a car were like using a phone booth or hotel telephone
* Taking a taxi or renting a car were like using a phone booth or hotel telephone.
*A car benefit were like an office telephone
* A car benefit were like an office telephone.
'''[[Bluetooth]] cars''' would be like invention of the '''mobile telephone''' making everyone forget how we managed things before this
'''[[Bluetooth]] cars''' would be like invention of the '''mobile telephone''' making everyone forget how we managed transportation needs before this.
==Imagine carsharing like never before==
== Imagine carsharing like never before? ==
Imagine semi-decentralised carpooling and carsharing like never before possible... unlimited numbers of use-and-dispose car keys, timelimited keys.

*Subscribe to a carpool and pay the monthly fee. depending on your fee you get a car delievered to you or one's location pointed out a few blocks away within a certain timeperiod in one or several cities or countries
Imagine semi-decentralised carpooling and carsharing like never before possible... unlimited numbers of use-and-dispose car keys, time-limited keys.

*Walking down the street and your [[bluetooth]] device beeps in a certain manner.
* Subscribe to a carpool and pay the monthly fee. depending on your fee you get a car delivered to you or one's location pointed out a few blocks away within a certain time period in one or several cities or countries

:Take it out of your pocket and you see a tiny image of that stunning 3 litre, double turbo convertible, this newest model from your favourite car brand and pricing and availability information presented to you.  
* Walking down the street and your Bluetooth device beeps in a certain manner...
:Take it out of your pocket and you see an image of that stunning 3 litre, double turbo convertible, this newest model from your favourite car brand and pricing and availability information presented to you.  

:Look around and you see it parked on the parking lot next to you. Press a button to send your service subscriber identification to the car and the car send you the keys in return. Open the car and the car contacts the center via cellular and tells that it has been taken into use by a trusted customer, but does not tell by whom and describes the package you chose.  
:Look around and you see it parked on the parking lot next to you. Press a button to send your service subscriber identification to the car and the car send you the keys in return. Open the car and the car contacts the center via cellular and tells that it has been taken into use by a trusted customer, but does not tell by whom and describes the package you chose.  
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::Authorising the car to tell the system in advance, about where and about when the vehicle can be expected to be released from your service also reduces rates, because it allows the system to allocate resources more optimally
::Authorising the car to tell the system in advance, about where and about when the vehicle can be expected to be released from your service also reduces rates, because it allows the system to allocate resources more optimally

*Bluetooth Carpooling turning out to be very useful for avoiding parking space problems and traffic clogging in city centers and such starts to get tax breaks, cheaper parking fees and cheaper road tolls, thus '''improving the economics''' of not owning a car but owning access to car services with you as the driver.
* Bluetooth Carpooling turning out to be very useful for avoiding parking space problems and traffic clogging in city centers and such starts to get tax breaks, cheaper parking fees and cheaper road tolls, thus '''improving the economics''' of not owning a car but owning access to car services with you as the driver.

*Need a pickup, a van or a truck to move some stuff around... everything is available with some limitations to timing
* Need a pickup, a van or a truck to move some stuff around... everything is available with some limitations to timing

*Failing to comply with regulations and contracts lowers your '''trustworthiness''' Such deeds could be like:  
* Failing to comply with regulations and contracts lowers your '''trustworthiness'''. Such deeds could be like:  
**Drunk driving
** Drunk driving
**Leaving strange objects or odours in the car
** Leaving strange objects or odours in the car
**Scratching the car and not reporting it.  
** Scratching the car and not reporting it.  
**Exceeding desired speed, force and torque limits (by the party to whom the vehicle belongs to).
** Exceeding desired speed, force and torque limits (by the party to whom the vehicle belongs to).
**Leaving the gas tank too empty or leaving other fluids empty
** Leaving the gas tank too empty or leaving other fluids empty
**Otherwise being reckless with other peoples property
** Otherwise being reckless with other peoples property
**Failing to return the car to a certain time or place, if you agreed to time limits and/or location limits, when you took the keys the car offered you.
** Failing to return the car to a certain time or place, if you agreed to time limits and/or location limits, when you took the keys the car offered you.

*Reduced trustworthiness could result result in the following occourrences:
* Reduced trustworthiness could result result in the following occurrences:
**Your carsharing contract can be terminated
** Your carsharing contract can be terminated
**The car you would like to drive says that "I'm sorry but my owner has instructed me not to give keys to such a reckless person as you, have a nice day"
** The car you would like to drive says that "I'm sorry but my owner has instructed me not to give keys to such a reckless person as you, have a nice day"
**Your fees might be higher
** Your fees might be higher
==Case: You got a car, and you are not paranoid.==

* You can make money off your investment by microrenting your vehicle (when you don't need it) to carpools or car rentals or even individuals directly, when you will be compensated for gas, and the normal wear-tear caused by the vehicle being used and insurance systems cover you for accidents + you get a premium, so you can make your car an financial investement (rent it often enough and you get paid more then you paid for the car originally)
== Case: You got a car, and you are not paranoid. ==
* You can make money off your investment by P2P microrenting your vehicle (when you don't need it) to carpools or car rentals or even individuals directly, when you will be compensated for gas, and the normal wear-tear caused by the vehicle being used and insurance systems cover you for accidents + you get a premium, so you can make your car an financial investment (rent it often enough and you get paid more then you paid for the car originally)

: All you have to take care of is to check that no surveillance or tracking devices have been placed in your car when it is in somebody elses use
: All you have to take care of is to check that no surveillance or tracking devices have been placed in your car when it is in somebody elses use

:: Scenarios:  
::Flying off to have a holiday. Why pay for airport parking when you can have your car working for you when you relax on your holiday.
:: Flying off to have a holiday. Why pay for airport parking when you can have your car working for you when you relax on your holiday?
::Going to the downtown office for 8 hours, why not have your car work while you work
:: Going to the downtown office for 8 hours. why not avoid parking costs and have your car work for you while you work?
==Case: You got a car and you are superparaniod==

*Enhanced locking security due to getting a fresh "use and dispose"-key every time from the ignition lock. No more radio spoofers. The ignition lock also charges your key if necessary.  
== Case: You got a car and you are superparaniod ==
*[[bluetooth|Future bluetooth]] is rumored to offer narrowcasting which would allow much faster click-wait-open response times combined with use-and-dispose keys that can be transmitted unencrypted, which is nice when you have escape some assailants to the security of your bulletproof vehicle.
* Enhanced locking security due to getting a fresh "use and dispose"-key every time from the ignition lock. No more radio spoofers. The ignition lock also charges your key if necessary.  
* Future Bluetooth is rumoured to offer narrowcasting which would allow much faster click-wait-open response times combined with use-and-dispose keys that can be transmitted unencrypted, which is nice when you have escape some assailants to the security of your bulletproof vehicle.
==Case: You got a car and you got a son (why not daughter?) who'se got a license==
== Case: You got a car and you got a son (why not daughter?) whose got a driver's license ==

*Tell your son that if he goes over 5000rpm or 140kmh or drives to curves in such a speed that the side-ways traction goes over a certain force or presses the gas pedal fully down without a good reason to do so there is good chances that daddys master key will make the validity of the offsprings keys to vanish faster then you can say "[[bluetooth]]"  
* Tell your son that if he goes over 5000rpm or 140kmh or drives to curves with such a speed that the side-ways acceleration goes over a certain force or presses the gas pedal fully down without a good reason to do so there is good chances that daddy's master key will make the validity of the offspring's keys to vanish faster then you can say "'''Bluetooth'''"  
*Or even better: Tell them to drive "reasonably"
* Or even better: Tell them to drive "reasonably"
==Case: Ultra-smooth switching with Rapid Mass Transit==
== Case: Ultra-smooth switching with Rapid Mass Transit ==
*You can tell the car where you are going and have the car talk with the network to detect traffic jams and seek possibilities to switch to Rapid Mass Transit such as underground or train if it will hasten your travel.
* You can tell the car where you are going and have the car talk with the network to detect traffic jams and seek possibilities to switch to Rapid Mass Transit such as underground or train if it will hasten your travel.
*The network can book a place for you to drop the car next to a transport terminal
* The network can book a place for you to drop the car next to a transport terminal
*The network can book you a car to switch to after you have passed the traffic jam by using Rapid Mass Transit
* The network can book you a car to switch to after you have passed the traffic jam by using rapid mass transit
==Further infrastructure to support low-overhead car sharing==
*[[Near Field Communication]] devices installed in gas-nozzles and in the car respectively with interface to the Controller Area Network to avoid hassle over gas bills
== Further infrastructure to support low-overhead P2P carsharing ==
* [[Near Field Communication]] devices installed in gas-nozzles and in the car respectively with interface to the Controller Area Network to avoid hassle over gas bills
* Bluetooth alternatives to manual '''road tolls''' to increase toll-point throughput and enable fare cuts for car-sharing schemes
* Bluetooth parking meters
---- be continued, untill i can get me one of these from my local autodealer if i win the lottery. be continued, until I can get me one of these from my local auto dealer if i win the lottery.

If the car makers aren't competing to get the [[Bluetooth]] locking system fitted first then they either:
If the car makers aren't competing to get the Bluetooth locking system fitted first then they either:

A) Are morons<br>
A) Are morons. <br/>
B) Are morons and think that explosion of carpooling would lead to poor economic performance for the factory and lowered stock value<br>
B) Are morons and think that explosion of carpooling would lead to poor economic performance for the factory and lowered stock value. <br/>
C) Are morons and think that a slogan like "We Built The First Bluetooth Car" and their stock value in the year 2103 have no relationship to each other :( <br>
C) Are morons and think that a slogan like "We Built The First Bluetooth Car" and their stock value in the year 2103 have no relationship to each other. :( <br/>
D) Are morons and can't see the advantages in having smaller amount of cars used up more quickly allowing for new more ecological models to enter the market more quickly.
D) Are morons and can't see the advantages in having smaller amount of cars used up more quickly allowing for new more ecological models to enter the market more quickly.

...ok. done dissin the rich folks.
...ok. done dissin' the rich folks.

==External links==
== Consumerium links ==
* [ Teleca Systems AB] - a Swedish company making CAN to Bluetooth Gateways. Great for drive-thru car-health diagnostics. CAN is a Controller Area Network, an industrial strength solution for wired communication. It is in use in cars, medical equipment etc.
* [[Lists of shared and alternative transport and traveler routers]]
== External links ==
* [[w:Bluetooth]]
* [[w:Peer-to-peer carsharing]]
* [[w:Carpool]] i.e. ridesharing