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Twelve leverage points: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 04:28, 14 May 2003

en:Donella Meadows' twelve places to intervene in a system applied to Wikipedia:

  • 12. numbers (subsidies, taxes, standards) - article lengths, numbers of links, number of editors
  • 11. The size of buffers relative to the flows
  • 10. material stocks and flows - server hardware, comfortable places to surf and type
  • 9. The length of delays, relative to the rate of system change
  • 8. regulating negative feedback loops - ?????
  • 7. driving positive feedback loops -
  • 6. information flows (who does and does not have access to what kinds of information) - m:person DTD, m:spacetime DTD, m:Special:Recentchanges, talk pages
  • 5. the rules of the system
  • 4. the power of en:self-organization, e.g. of trolls
  • 3. the goals of the system, e.g. avoiding becoming Wikipedia
  • 2. the mindset out of which the goals, rules, feedback structure arise
  • 1. the power to transcend paradigms, change mental structure.
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