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Week 5 - Getting to Know EU for Business: listiting types of legistlation in use in the EU
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=== Week 1 - Introduction ===
Teacher: Madeleine Vakkuri
Study material: ? + Moodle
== Week 1 - Introduction ==

* A '''[[w:developed  country|developed  country]]''', '''industrialized country''', or "'''more economically developed country'''" ('''MEDC'''), is a sovereign state that has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less industrialized nations. Most commonly, the criteria for evaluating the degree of economic development are [[w:gross domestic product|gross domestic product]] (GDP), the [[w:per capita income|per capita income]], level of industrialization, amount of widespread infrastructure and general standard of living. ( Wikipedia )
* A '''[[w:developed  country|developed  country]]''', '''industrialized country''', or "'''more economically developed country'''" ('''MEDC'''), is a sovereign state that has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less industrialized nations. Most commonly, the criteria for evaluating the degree of economic development are [[w:gross domestic product|gross domestic product]] (GDP), the [[w:per capita income|per capita income]], level of industrialization, amount of widespread infrastructure and general standard of living. ( Wikipedia )
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* '''[[w:Reputation|Reputation]]''' of a social entity (a [[w:person|person]], a [[w:social group|social group]], an [[w:organization|organization]]) is an opinion about that entity, typically a result of social evaluation on a set of criteria.  It is important in [[w:business|business]], [[w:education|education]], [[w:online communities|online communities]], and many other fields.  
* '''[[w:Reputation|Reputation]]''' of a social entity (a [[w:person|person]], a [[w:social group|social group]], an [[w:organization|organization]]) is an opinion about that entity, typically a result of social evaluation on a set of criteria.  It is important in [[w:business|business]], [[w:education|education]], [[w:online communities|online communities]], and many other fields.  
::: Reputation may be considered as a component of [[w:Identity (social science)|identity]] as defined by others.
::: Reputation may be considered as a component of [[w:Identity (social science)|identity]] as defined by others.
::: Reputation is known to be a [[w:ubiquitous|ubiquitous]], [[wikt:spontaneous|spontaneous]], and highly efficient [[w:mechanism of social control|mechanism of social control]] in natural societies. ( Wikipedia )
::: Reputation is known to be a [[w:ubiquitous|ubiquitous]], [[wiktionary:spontaneous|spontaneous]], and highly efficient [[w:mechanism of social control|mechanism of social control]] in natural societies. ( Wikipedia )
:::** '''[[w:Reputation management|Reputation management]]''' is the understanding or influencing of an individual's or business's reputation. It was originally coined as a [[w:public relations|public relations]] term, but advancement in computing, the internet and social media made it primarily an issue of [[w:Search engine results page|search results]]. Some parts of reputation management are often associated with ethical grey areas, such as [[w:astroturfing]] review sites, censoring negative complaints or using [[w:Search engine optimization|SEO]] tactics to [[w:game the system|game the system]] and influence results. ( Wikipedia )
:::** '''[[w:Reputation management|Reputation management]]''' is the understanding or influencing of an individual's or business's reputation. It was originally coined as a [[w:public relations|public relations]] term, but advancement in computing, the internet and social media made it primarily an issue of [[w:Search engine results page|search results]]. Some parts of reputation management are often associated with ethical grey areas, such as [[w:astroturfing]] review sites, censoring negative complaints or using [[w:Search engine optimization|SEO]] tactics to [[w:game the system|game the system]] and influence results. ( Wikipedia )

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* The '''3 Ts''' for urban development: [[w:tolerance|tolerance]], [[w:technology|technology]] and [[w:talent|talent]] ( Teacher )
* The '''3 Ts''' for urban development: [[w:tolerance|tolerance]], [[w:technology|technology]] and [[w:talent|talent]] ( Teacher )
=== Week 3 ===
=== Week 3 - Topic What does it take to enter foreign markets? ===

* '''''' - Compare indicators across countries
* '''''' - Compare indicators across countries
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* '''[[|]] Inc.''' is a global [[w:cloud computing|cloud computing]] company headquartered in [[w:San Francisco|San Francisco]], [[w:California|California]]. Though best known for its [[w:customer relationship management|customer relationship management]] (CRM) product, has also expanded into commercial applications of social networking through acquisition. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[|]] Inc.''' is a global [[w:cloud computing|cloud computing]] company headquartered in [[w:San Francisco|San Francisco]], [[w:California|California]]. Though best known for its [[w:customer relationship management|customer relationship management]] (CRM) product, has also expanded into commercial applications of social networking through acquisition. ( Wikipedia )

=== Week 4 ===
=== Week 4 - Topic Market Intelligence & Industry Analysis for a Competitive Edge ===

* An '''[[w:industry analyst|industry analyst]]''' performs primary and secondary market research within an industry such as [[w:information technology|information technology]], consulting or [[w:insurance|insurance]]. ( Wikipedia )
* An '''[[w:industry analyst|industry analyst]]''' performs primary and secondary market research within an industry such as [[w:information technology|information technology]], consulting or [[w:insurance|insurance]]. ( Wikipedia )
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=== Week 5 - Getting to Know EU for Business ===
=== Week 5 - Getting to Know EU for Business ===
* [[w:Enterprise Europe Network|Enterprise Europe Network]] is the largest information and consultancy network in Europe. The aim of the network is to help small business to make the most of the European marketplace. Enterprise Europe Network is a focal point network consisting of 600 organizations - chambers of commerce, regional development agencies, university technology centers, where about 4000 professionals are working in over 40 countries worldwide. Enterprise Europe Network Staff assist small business in sourcing new business & technology partners in Europe and advise them on accessing EU Funding. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:Enterprise Europe Network|Enterprise Europe Network]]''' is the largest information and consultancy network in Europe. The aim of the network is to help small business to make the most of the European marketplace. Enterprise Europe Network is a focal point network consisting of 600 organizations - chambers of commerce, regional development agencies, university technology centers, where about 4000 professionals are working in over 40 countries worldwide. Enterprise Europe Network Staff assist small business in sourcing new business & technology partners in Europe and advise them on accessing EU Funding. ( Wikipedia )

* The '''[[w:Erasmus Programme|Erasmus Programme]]''' ('''''E'''u'''r'''opean Community '''A'''ction '''S'''cheme for the '''M'''obility of '''U'''niversity '''S'''tudents'' is a [[w:European Union|European Union]] (EU) [[w:student exchange programme|student exchange programme]] established in 1987. ( Wikipedia )
* The '''[[w:Erasmus Programme|Erasmus Programme]]''' ('''''E'''u'''r'''opean Community '''A'''ction '''S'''cheme for the '''M'''obility of '''U'''niversity '''S'''tudents'' is a [[w:European Union|European Union]] (EU) [[w:student exchange programme|student exchange programme]] established in 1987. ( Wikipedia )
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* '''[[w:M-Pesa|M-Pesa]]''' ('''M''' for mobile, '''''pesa''''' is [[w:Swahili language|Swahili]] for money) is a mobile-phone based money transfer and [[w:microfinance|microfinancing]] service, launched in 2007 by [[w:Vodafone|Vodafone]] for [[w:Safaricom|Safaricom]] and [[w:Vodacom|Vodacom]], the largest mobile network operators in [[w:Kenya|Kenya]] and [[w:Tanzania|Tanzania]]. It has since expanded to Afghanistan, South Africa, India and in 2014 to Eastern Europe. M-Pesa allows users with a national ID card or passport to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money easily with a mobile device. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:M-Pesa|M-Pesa]]''' ('''M''' for mobile, '''''pesa''''' is [[w:Swahili language|Swahili]] for money) is a mobile-phone based money transfer and [[w:microfinance|microfinancing]] service, launched in 2007 by [[w:Vodafone|Vodafone]] for [[w:Safaricom|Safaricom]] and [[w:Vodacom|Vodacom]], the largest mobile network operators in [[w:Kenya|Kenya]] and [[w:Tanzania|Tanzania]]. It has since expanded to Afghanistan, South Africa, India and in 2014 to Eastern Europe. M-Pesa allows users with a national ID card or passport to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money easily with a mobile device. ( Wikipedia )

==== EU legislations ====
* Primary legistlation: [[w:treaties|treaties]]
* '''[[w:Primary legislation|Primary legislation]]''':
* Secondary legistlation: [[w:Regulations|Regulations]], [[w:Directive (European Union)|directives]], [[w:Decision (European Union)|decisions]], recommendations, options ( Teacher )
:** '''[[w:treaties|treaties]]''' are agreements under [[w:international law|international law]] entered into by actors in international law, namely [[w:sovereign state|sovereign state]]s and [[w:international organizations|international organizations]]. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:Secondary legislation|Secondary legislation]]''':  
:** '''[[w:Regulations|Regulation]]''' is a rule or law designed to control or govern conduct. In [[w:statism|statist]] mechanisms it can also be extended to monitoring and enforcement of rules as established by [[w:primary legislation|primary]] and/or [[w:delegated legislation|delegated legislation]]. ( Wikipedia )
:** '''[[w:Directive (European Union)|directives]]''' are legal acts of the [[w:European Union|European Union]], which requires [[w:Member state of the European Union|member states]] to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. ( Wikipedia )
:** '''[[w:Decision (European Union)|decisions]]''' - In [[w:European Union law|European Union law]], a decision is a legal instrument which is binding upon those individuals to which it is addressed. ( Wikipedia )
:** '''recommendations'''
:** '''options''' ( Teacher )
=== Week 6 Online Getting to Know EU for Business ===
=== Week 7 - Trade & Intellectual Property ===
* '''Refresh [[User:Jukeboksi/BBA_studies/Law#Week 46|Intellectual property]]''' from [[User:Jukeboksi/BBA_studies/Law#International Law|International Law course]]
* '''[[w:Internal market|Internal market]]''' in the [[w:European Union|European Union]] (sometimes known as the single market, formerly the common market) seeks to guarantee the free movement of [[w:good (economics)|goods]], [[w:capital (economics)|capital]], [[w:service (economics)|services]], and [[w:Freedom of movement for workers|people]] – the EU's "four freedoms" – within the [[w:Member state of the European Union|EU's 28 member states]]. ( Wikipedia )
* The '''[[w:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade|General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]]''' ('''GATT''') was a multilateral agreement regulating international trade ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:Non-tariff barriers to trade|Non-tariff barriers to trade]]''' are [[w:trade barrier|trade barrier]]s that restrict [[w:import|import]]s, but are unlike the usual form of a [[w:tariff|tariff]].
:::Some common examples of NTB's are anti-[[w:Dumping (pricing policy)|dumping]] measures and [[w:countervailing duties|countervailing duties]], which, although called non-tariff barriers, have the effect of tariffs once they are enacted. ( Wikipedia )
* The '''[[w:World Trade Organization|World Trade Organization]]''' ('''WTO''') is an [[w:organization|organization]] that intends to supervise and [[w:Free trade|liberalize]] [[w:international trade|international trade]]. ( Wikipedia )
*  [[w:Trips Agreement|The '''Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights''' ('''TRIPS''')]] is an [[w:international agreement|international agreement]] administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO) that sets down minimum standards for many forms of [[w:intellectual property|intellectual property]] (IP) regulation as applied to nationals of other WTO Members. ( Wikipedia on [[w:TRIPS Agreement|TRIPS Agreement]] )
=== Week 8 - Emerging economies ===
* <font color=red>RECAP</font> from week 1: An '''[[w:emerging markets|emerging market]]''' is a country that has some characteristics of a [[w:developed market|developed market]] but is not yet a developed market. This includes countries that may be developed markets in the future or were in the past. ( Wikipedia )
=== Week 9 - Urbanization ===
* '''[[w:Urbanization|Urbanization]]''' is a population shift from [[w:rural|rural]] to [[w:urban areas|urban areas]], and the ways in which society adapts to the change. ( Wikipedia )
* Trends come in different sizes. A '''mega-trend''' extends over many generations, and in cases of climate, mega-trends can cover periods prior to human existence. ( Wikipedia on [[w:Futures studies#Mega-trends|Future studies]] )
* A '''[[w:megacity|megacity]]''' is usually defined as a [[w:metropolitan area|metropolitan area]] with a total [[w:population|population]] in excess of ten million people. ( Wikipedia )
* A '''[[w:ghost town|ghost town]]''' is an abandoned [[w:village|village]], [[w:town|town]] or [[w:city|city]], usually one which contains substantial visible remains. A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it has failed, or due to natural or human-caused disasters such as floods, government actions, uncontrolled lawlessness, war, or nuclear disasters. ( Wikipedia )
=== Week 10 - Bottom of Pyramid ===
* In economics, the '''bottom of the [[w:pyramid|pyramid]]''' is the largest, but poorest [[w:socio-economic group|socio-economic group]]. In global terms, this is the 3 billion people who live on '''less than US$2.50 per day'''. The phrase “bottom of the pyramid” is used in particular by people developing new models of doing business that deliberately target that demographic, often using new technology. This field is also often referred to as the "'''Base of the Pyramid'''" or just the "'''BoP'''".
'''OBS.''' teacher gave limit of $5 / d income, not $2.50 given by the Wikipedia article
=== Week 11 - Innovation types & Consequences - Sustainability ===
=== Week 12 - Your Innovation & Business Model and Future Scenarios ===
=== Week 13 - Exam: Talent and Talent Management ===
<center>This article '''used to be''' at the address '''<nowiki></nowiki>''' from 2012 to 2016 and '''<nowiki></nowiki>''' from 2016 to 2020</center>
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