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    Biodiversity or biological diversity is what conservation efforts seek to preserve: the existing evolved complexity of the natural real world.

    See w:biodiversity and the many wise writings of English Wikipedia User Anthere - probably the only holdout against Wikimedia corruption of the GFDL corpus. See urban ecology, cultural diversity and respect for diversity for some implications of a biodiversity-preserving world view.

    The world tree is an ancient symbol of this diversity, being tended and attended by many creatures, none of whom has any control or disposition of it, but all of whom interact with it. Anywhere you look some body is engaged with the world tree. Trolls attend the invisible roots of the world tree.

    The Hive Mind is a modern symbol of ant-like monoculture, opposing such diversity, imposing one God's Eye View on all participating bodies - even if the "Mind" itself is an attribute of no body. Sysops are nobodies who seek to become somebodies by worshipping groupthink itself.