User talk:Yuna

    From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki

    Welcome to Consumerium Lady Yuna. I hope you find this a good place to contribute to our discussion on how we should set up the "production stage wikis", which is a heated issue --Juxo 14:08, 25 Jun 2004 (EEST)

    And of course we trolls hope you will form or join a faction so that the squabbling may become so heated as to actually bake something.

    Welcome Yuna. Nice to have a place to talk to you. I recommend, I do nwever prescribe, I just recommend you to sign your contributions. Three ~ do it. Four make a timestamp. -- MattisManzel 23:12, 6 Jul 2004 (EEST)

    What are the production stage wikis? Sounds interesting

    Research Wiki and Publish Wiki. This is the Develop Wiki.