User talk:Juxo/EvilML
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So this is "Hate markup language"? I think this is necessary. How else can we track instances of people saying these things to quickly find them?
But actually who cares what they say. Consumerium should be about what they DO that is Evil. So it should be possible to track someone's victims this way.
So attached to an Evil person you should ideally find all of their victims, and all those who benefitted from their victimization of those victims. Then perhaps you negotiate compensation or revenge from those who benefitted. Is there any other way to world peace? In long run, we all must face those we harm.
- Umm. Even if we had half of the worlds population tracking the other half and we still couldn't figure out what the ppl are really doing. Sure it'd be nice if we could track down added value from slavery, ecocrimes and such nasty things and communicate that forward, but going on about this track, markup and archive every atom in the universe shit is never going to work and is even more disillusioned then Bush's ideas that w:TIA can stop terrorism by technological surveillance.
- thechef's recipe for stopping terrorism:
- Water they can drink
- Food they can eat
- Something they can call "a sense of security" (Be it having a Lexus and a Jeep and a Hum-wee and a ski lodge in Aspen and a beach house in Hawaii and .... or just the psychological comfort in knowing that it's highly unlikely that some military/secret police type of personel is coming to get you or your loved ones next night to be tortured slowly to death by the most attrocious methods)