Social media
Consumerium analysis work in progress on social media
Free social media[edit | edit source]
These are free-of-charge and often free-of-commercial-pushing i.e. refreshing compared to the commercial social media.
- diaspora* pod since July 2013
- is a GNU MediaGoblin media hosting instance.
Hubzilla[edit | edit source]
- Hubzilla (.org) is a very nice free social media where membership is to the entire network, not only to an instance.
diaspora*[edit | edit source]
Friendica[edit | edit source]
- Friendica (.com) is the least steep and long learning curve free social media alternative to Facebook.
- The Friendica Directory is a place where you can find instances by location, groups, interesting tags and quite naturally people on the network
GNU social[edit | edit source]
- GNU social (
Forprofit social media[edit | edit source]
Twitter[edit | edit source]
Twitter (.com) is a well known ad funded w:microblogging platform.
We are kind of there with the handle @consumium since 2012.
Read more on twitter:
Facebook[edit | edit source]
Facebook (.com) is a well known ad funded social networking site that serves hundreds of millions of users every day.
We are there with the handle @consumium since 2012 but the account didn't become public till 2015.
They employ a modern approach to serving content, using a CDN (Content delivery network)
Read more on Facebook:
Display[edit | edit source]
w:Display (social network) is Tsu rebranded and relaunched in 2021
Former social media[edit | edit source]
Tsu[edit | edit source]
- w:Tsu (.co) was an interesting experiment where they copied the other services in clean cut implementation and gave 90% of their ad revenue to their users. It ran from 2014 to 2016. Revived in 2021 as #Display.
Google+[edit | edit source]
Google+ is a foray into social media by Alphabet Corporation also known as Google.
Read more on Google+: