Rating countries by their recycling rating

    From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
    Revision as of 17:59, 28 March 2004 by (talk) (bad criteria in general, though it might be useful to shame really bad rich countries into fixing their habits, it's better to use that energy to get them to reduce and re-use instead)

    This could be one of the factors for evaluating countries in Consumer preferences:

    How much of the recyclable material is Recycled and/or Reused in this country

    A bad criterion. PUt this in types of countries, but, in general, only really wasteful rich countries "recycle" anything; Poor frugal ones re-use everything instead, or don't consume it at all.
    though it might seem useful to shame really bad rich countries into fixing their habits, it's better to use that energy to get them to reduce and re-use instead