Mobile device code is presently complex and difficult to write.

Currently the most widely adopted "smart" mobile device platform is Symbian expecially the series 60 flavor developed and licenced by Nokia. Series 60 Symbian supports native C++ programs, Java MIDP and apparently Python is being introduced now.

The emergence of Python on some Nokia platforms is very encouraging, and according to its own R&D division, 1000 lines of C++ can be replaced by 11 lines of Python in a typical application. They also demonstrate RFID as a feature of their new phones, making Consumerium Services incredibly easy to implement for those products that have an RFID tag.

Also a likely future trend is the embedding of Near Field Communication technology, which allows instant communication for devices within 15cm distance of each other, to mobile phones, which would be even more handy for Consumerium since the product identification could be done via embedding NFC devices into the store shelves.

Issues with mobile device code: