A label is a generic brand-like mark, e.g. union made or vegan or organic or kosher, halal or Slow Food or dolphin safe or no old growth, which is shared by many producers who agree to a common standard of production behaviour and potential audit of this behaviour. Consumerium will ultimately have such labels or be useful to those who define such labels, or be part of their audit process, since it will contain information sufficient to say whether the product does not meet a standard. In this way Consumerium is like the Better Business Bureau and has social capital with the community of consumers just like they do. It preserves this by making itself not useful to cheaters and frauds who just make up labels or dilute existing ones.
Consumerium Country is the theoretical place where all labels are true and no one can cheat, else they lose their citizenship and their land ownership.
Information on labels edit
- w:Ecolabel and Green Stickers are labeling systems for food and consumer products. Ecolabels are voluntary, but green stickers are mandated by law ( Wikipedia )
- Sustainability standards and certifications are voluntary, usually third party-assessed, norms and standards relating to environmental, social, ethical and food safety issues, adopted by companies to demonstrate the performance of their organizations or products in specific areas. ( Wikipedia )
- Environmental certification is a form of environmental regulation and development where a company can voluntarily choose to comply with predefined processes or objectives set forth by the certification service. ( Wikipedia )
Mandatory labeling schemes edit
Voluntary labeling schemes edit
- The Blue Angel (Der Blaue Engel) is a German certification for products and services that have environmentally friendly aspects. It has been awarded since 1978 by the Jury Umweltzeichen, a group of 13 people from environment and consumer protection groups, industry, unions, trade, media and churches. Blue Angel is the oldest ecolabel in the world, and it covers some 10,000 products in some 80 product categories ( Wikipedia )
- Carbon emission label or carbon label describes the carbon dioxide emissions created as a by-product of manufacturing, transporting, or disposing of a consumer product. This information is important to consumers wishing to minimize their ecological footprint and contribution to global warming made by their purchases. ( Wikipedia )
- EKOenergy label is an international ecolabel for electricity. It is managed by a network of European environmental NGOs. The secretariat is located in Helsinki and hosted by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (FANC). ( Wikipedia )
- Energy Cities, previously named Energie-Cités, is an european association of local authorities in energy transition. It represents 1000 towns and cities in 30 countries. ( Wikipedia )
- Environmental Choice New Zealand is an ecolabelling scheme in New Zealand [...] Environmental Choice New Zealand is a member of the Global Ecolabelling Network. ( Wikipedia )
- The Environmental Choice Program is an ecolabelling scheme that was established by Environment Canada in 1988 with over 300 categories of products to help consumers identify services/products which are less harmful to the environment. ( Wikipedia )
- - Ethical Tea Partnership
- The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international not for-profit, multi-stakeholder organization established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. Its main tools for achieving this are standard setting, certification and labeling of forest products. ( Wikipedia )
- Fairtrade certification is a product certification system claiming that products with its brand meet certain environmental, labour, and developmental standards. ( Wikipedia )
- Global Ecolabelling Network is a non-profit interest group composed of 25 ecolabel organisations throughout the world.
- Green Seal is a non-profit environmental standard development and certification organization. Green Seal's flagship program is the certification of products, services, restaurants, and hotels. The certification is based on Green Seal standards, which contain performance, health, and sustainability criteria. ( Wikipedia ) -
- The Greenguard Environmental Institute (corporately styled "GREENGUARD") is an industry-independent organization that aims to protect human health and improve quality of life by enhancing indoor air quality and reducing people’s exposure to chemicals and other pollutants. ( Wikipedia )
- ISO 14000 ISO 14000 ISO 14020-14025 address environmental labeling
- The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is an independent non-profit organization which sets a standard for sustainable fishing. Fisheries that wish to demonstrate they are well managed and sustainable compared to the science-based MSC standard are assessed by a team of experts who are independent of both the fishery and the MSC. ( Wikipedia )
- The Nordic Ecolabel or Nordic swan is the official sustainability ecolabel for the Nordic countries, introduced by the Nordic Council of Ministers. This is done by a voluntary license system where the applicant agrees to follow a certain criteria set outlined by the Nordic Ecolabelling in cooperation with stakeholders. These criteria include environmental, quality and health arguments. ( Wikipedia )
- Planet Positive (in the UK and the US) is an international environmental organization that was established to help organisations receive an independent review of their actions on sustainability and achieve certification as an endorsement of their progress. Planet Positive helps companies and organisations reduce carbon emissions through providing specialist help, support and advice. ( Wikipedia )
- Environmental certification is a form of environmental regulation and development where a company can voluntarily choose to comply with predefined processes or objectives set forth by the certification service. ( Wikipedia )