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E-voting is, in general, a bad idea. There is no way to make audit trails trusted and comprehensible to the average person voting, even if that average person is a power user or has average programmer skills. The public key crypto solutions all require understanding and trusting algorithms that, ultimately, cannot be understood by the ordinary person voting, leading to a "just trust me" situation that is not necessarily better than just trusting a GodKing to make all the decisions - at least one knows one is doing that!

One must assume bad faith in all analysis of e-voting systems. Not to do so opens up infinite avenues for abuse. See board vote code for an example of how Wikimedia corruption and e-voting are converging to create a system that only the most notorious vigilantes will understand and be able to hack to their specifications.

However, there is a use for electronic edits, votes and bets in the ordinary daily types of decisions that do not involve choosing a person but rather an outcome. If a person is to have a very narrow mandate to make only a small number of decisions for a short period of time, e-voting may be tolerable and even desirable, if it does not shortcut consensus decision making and deliberative democracy.

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