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    Cashflow is key to a self-funding system.

    To qualify as self-funding, a system must take in financial capital (not quite the same thing as money) before it must pay it out. A nonprofit relies on donations and a line of credit based on the assumption that donations are coming, to meet its cashflow requirements usually.

    However, it is also allowed to sell things, hold property or receive royalties, and often does this for fundraising purposes. Usually to maintain charitable status in most countries, it can't actually develop anything to sell directly, but it can accept things that are saleable, and do the selling.

    Ways Consumerium Governance Organization could handle cashflow are discussed at Consumerium:cashflow. Although some Consumerium Services like spot audit may generate cash through arrangements with other essential projects and governance organizations supervising these, it seems unlikely that a healthy buying infrastructure can generate cashflow on its own sufficient to support Consumerium maintenance, and allaying all worst cases and unanticipated threats. For these reasons it might well be necessary to work to create a larger healthy signal infrastructure with others, and work closely with them on hardware requirements all can rely on.