Upgraded from legacy LTS 1.39.11 to new LTS 1.43. Made backups and imaged the system disk. Problems encountered:
mw:Extension:OATHAuth did not seem to apply its schema changes, or perhaps the schema changes should have been performed in an earlier upgrade. Found workaround of manually running mediawiki/extensions/OATHAuth/sql/mysql/tables-generated.sql in mw:Topic:Yakailc03f0u43c0
On ciumd:Main Page - Consumerium.org development wiki had two stray entries with null values where an article name should have been in its database, but this issue was resolved with knowledgeable and compassionate help from the good people at #mediawiki. Found the rows with 'SELECT * FROM pagelinks WHERE pl_title = '';. The error I got from MediaWiki update.php when "Running migrateLinksTable.php on pagelinks..." and doing "Populating the pl_target_id column": "Wikimedia\Assert\ParameterAssertionException from line 72 of [...]/mediawiki/vendor/wikimedia/assert/src/Assert.php: Bad value for parameter $title: should not be empty unless namespace is main"