Talk:Intershop comparison

Revision as of 20:10, 12 March 2004 by (talk) (points to address before changing this again)
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Some points you must address before you change this page:

1. how, exactly, is one to prevent intershop comparison from being provided by an add-on service? What Consumerium License provisions specifically say "you can't do this, and we can yank your access to the data if you do"?

2. why, exactly, does the Development Wiki's present concept of Features and their priority take precedence over what is required to implement best cases? A proper development process is motivated by its comprehensive outcome as expressed in use cases.

3. If you have big problems or anticipate big problems with intershop comparison, why is there nothing in worst cases explaining how it has bad consequences? Until there is, objections to this feature HAVE NO STATUS, and amount to nothing but feelings. This is similar to the betting issue. If you can't explain why it's bad, expect others to pursue it, until you can. If you're building an open architecture, you're going to see services you don't want implemented, implemented.

4. Consider whether your view is factional. To many people, price comparison is the first feature they'd want, and only later would they care about moral purchasing.

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