User:Jukeboksi/BBA studies/Language skills: Difference between revisions

    (moving and editing language stuff from the Main Page)
    (moved all contents of Vocabulary here to get rid of useless redundancy and to have a better accessible wiki)
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    = English =
    = English === Accounting, math, analysis, law, finance theory ==
    * [[Vocabulary]]
    [[w:Analysis]] builds on [[w:accounting]]. [[w:Finance]] builds on analysis. Ability to do [[w:Fundamental analysis]] is a serious indogenous hard skill of the global professional. Ability to fluently read [[w:Financial statement]]s is the bread & butter of [[w:analyst]]s ♪ ♫ all over the [[w:World]] ♪ ♫ ♫ ...
    [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences]] contains following sub-modules
    :* [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences#Accounting 1|Accounting 1]]
    :* [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences#Business math 1|Business math 1]]
    :* [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences#Customer oriented operations planning (marketing)|Customer oriented operations planning (marketing)]]
    :* [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences#Entrepreneurship|Entrepreneurship]]
    :* [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences#Law|Law]]
    === Law - Businesses, what kinds there are? ===
    :* [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences#Law|Law 101]]
    A [[w:business]] may be one of the following:
    * private incorporated ( Inc. LLC. Ltd. )
    * public incorporated ( PLC. )
    * A "person" company such as a [[w:Sole proprietorship]] ( also known as the [[w:Sole trader]], [[w:fi:Toiminimi]] ), [[w:General partnership]] ( [[w:fi:Avoin yhtiö]] ) or [[w:Limited partnership]] ( [[w:fi:Kommandiittiyhtiö]] )
    * A [[w:Cooperative]] ( [[w:fi:Osuuskunta]] ) , there are cooperatives owned by their workers and cooperatives owned by their customers.
    :"Incorporated" means it forms a [[w:legal personality]] ( [[w:fi:oikeushenkilö]] ) of it's own and
    the owners are never liable for it's liabilities.
    :In a non-incorporated ( [[w:fi:henkilöyhtiö]] ) there is at least one person who has personal liability for the liabilities of the business. The [[w:silent partner]] ( hiljainen yhtiömies ) in a limited partnership does not have liability for the businesses liabilities.
    :Further information: [[w:Types of business entities]] ( Contains list for all types of businesses for all [[w:locale]]s )
    ::Parent company of [[w:Lidl]] is a Stiftung and Lidl Suomi is a limited partnership and the other players, the S-group customer owned cooperative and the K-Group is a PLC ( Kesko Oyj ) with Ltd's owned by the merchant.
    == Procurement, purchasing, sourcing, logistics ==
    * [[w:Procurement]], [[w:purchasing]], [[w:sourcing]]
    * [[w:Modes of transport]], [[w:Warehousing]], logic, [[w:Logistics]]
    * [[w:Supply chain management]]
    Sail - [[w:Steamship|Steamship (S/S)]]  ( approx. 1770 - early 1900's ) - [[w:Motor ship| Motor Ship ( M/S)]] - [[w:Containerization]] ( 1960's) - [[w:liquified natural gas|LNG powered ships]] ( 2010's )
    == Customer interface, distribution, customer relationship management, marketing ==
    * [[Services Marketing]]
    * [[Corporate Responsibility]]
    * [[Developing Entrepreneurial Competences#Customer oriented operations planning (marketing)|Customer oriented operations planning (marketing)]]
    [[w:Marketing mix]] aka. "The 4 p's" ( [[w:Product]], [[w:Price]], [[w:Place]] and [[w:Promotion]] ) is a timeless classic of [[w:Marketing]].
    #) Product - What is it ( the product ). How does it fill a need with the consumer ?
    #) Price - How much ?
    #) Place - Where from ? Order online in one of millions of webshoppes, specialist boutique, hypermarket,  ?
    #) Promotion - Advertising, PR but also promotional portion that is clearly done by those in a purely [[#Sales|sales]] by function description.
    Advertising has two roles:
    ::::* Keep the consumers informed of prices and offerings
    ::::* To do brand enhancement and post-sales brand image reinforcement
    == Sales ==
    == Management, project management, human management, business management ==
    == Markets, banking, finance and investments ==
    [[w:The Stock Exchange (book)]] written by [[w:Max Weber]] in 1894-1896  in what is now [[w:Germany]] at under 100 pages it was originally published as a 2-part informational leaflets for workers suspicious and out-of-the-loop in of the ways of the bourses it remains to this date a very relevant and almost essential read should you want begin to understand the flavours of modern [[w:investment]].
    Market slang contains '''a lot of synonyms and words with overlapping meanings''' ( e.g. capital, equity, shares, stock, investments, holdings, assets etc. almost used interchangeably ) and could be argued that this is done intentionally to render investorspeak non-understandable for the non-investor. Like all cliques and guilds ( lawyers, doctrors etc. ) develop language to make their trade harder for others ( outsiders ) to understand.
    == Economics ==
    '''* [[Business Economics]]'''
    * [[w:Microeconomics|Micro]] & [[w:Macroeconomics|Macro]]
    * [[w:Supply]] & [[w:demand]]
    * Equilibriums, optimums and partial optimums
    * Duoptimums, Pareto perfectness
    * Mindless barrage of 2-D two variable linear curve thingies

    == Useful & good to know stuff and services ==
    == Useful & good to know stuff and services ==