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    Revision as of 16:48, 14 February 2004

    Wikimedia is a private "foundation" in the US run by Jim Wales. In fact, it is a corporate entity. It has no independent board, no legal charity status in any country, and seems to spend money it raises on a small clique of people mostly involved in "fixing" the inadequate mediawiki software (which does not even support full text searches in the Wikipedia project).

    It provides mostly bad examples for the Consumerium Governance Organization, which would do well to avoid all the pitfalls it is falling into. See 142.X.X.X/Tim_Starling for a starting list of these, and references to potential solutions that 'Wikipedians' ignore and censor.

    Many specific people who participate in Wikimedia are also a problem. They should be excluded from Consumerium as anything other than ordinary users, as their participation and propaganda leads directly to many or most of the problems Wikipedia has. See 142.X.X.X/Angela for one notable example.

    Finally, the software problems should be considered carefully when choosing wiki code for beyond the R&D wiki phase.