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    Central Services are those Consumerium maintenance and other services that are run by the Consumerium Governance Organization. These are things that the Consumerium License assumes will be provided by someone, somewhere.

    These are the most basic and implicit Consumerium Services. Without these basic things like running server software and adjudicating the various protocol requirements and keeping co-ordinated with the evolution of the healthy signal infrastructure, everything just sort of stops working slowly.

    A medium term goal is Transparent Consumerium that would let many bidders and volunteers monitor activities and keep to high performance standards.

    A long term goal is Distributed Consumerium that would let this work even in developing nations and require only the Consumerium License without any active oversight or legal intervention or management to work even against the threats that we can't even believe are real that will be used against the network in places where things are very corrupt.

    It's usually easier to start central and go distributed slowly over time, but this requires a strong decision to do so right from the very beginning, so that major hardware requirements and protocol requirements will take the long term need into account.