CAPTCHAs and anti-CAPTCHA bots
(Redirected from Anti-CAPTCHA bots)
CAPTHCAs[edit | edit source]
- Currently very weak, simple calculus with non-distorted text for the variables
- w:reCAPTCHA though that one other anti-CAPTCHA bot claimed to defeat this 60-65% of the time
- KittenAuth
- MSFT Azurra project Kitten & puppy CAPTCHA
anti-CAPTCHA bots[edit | edit source]
- PWNtcha by Caca Labs - defeats almost any textual CAPTCHA
- That other anti-CAPTCHA bot
- User_talk:Maksimchebrukov2018 a.k.a. The /on/troll
- User talk:CarltonXSRH a.k.a. MassBot