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I wish that the future WLAN specs and products would use 5Ghz ISM band, like 802.11a and some HiperLANs do, but we'll have to see what's going to happen Juxo 16:50 Jun 5, 2003 (EEST)

Good news for Bluetooth enthusiasts: IEEE is in the process of developing a new WLAN standard :802.11n. According to Finnish sources the only specs for now are that it will work on 5GHz band and reach 100Mbps. Juxo 15:22, 20 Jan 2004 (EET)
Bad news for trolls, though. Who can keep up with all the crap broadcast at 100Mbps and correct it?

Keep an eye out for 802.16 Metropolitan Area Networks. 2-10GHz and 10-66GHz bands, very high speeds. Intel and Nokia are involved. I'll write more on this if it seems to be gaining momentum Juxo 13:45 Jul 20, 2003 (EEST)

- Great. Does that mean that we won't need Wi-Fi, but just Bluetooth capable devices to get on the internet? I.G.

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