Talk:Ad hominem delete

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    Revision as of 22:26, 4 February 2004 by (talk)

    Ad hominem? Care to explain this in simple or ordinary English? Not all of us are latin readers --Juxo 19:45, 2 Feb 2004 (EET)

    "ad hominem" is a Latin phrase used very commonly in English (just like "ad nauseum", and also "i.e." and "e.g." are abbreviations of Latin phrases). It is, effectively, part of English.
    What it means is, in the context of an argument, referring to who made the argument, as opposed to the argument's own referents, in deciding whether to accept or reject it. It is normally considered proof that one has no real argument to offer against what is said, if one must invoke "who wrote it" as an refutation.