European Union Intellectual Property Office

(Redirected from OHIM)

European Union Intellectual Property Office ( provides lots of useful information for Consumerium inside EU

Key servicesEdit


TMview allows one to quickly research trademarks


TMClass allows you to find standardized classification for products in many languages and areas and much more


EUIPO was called The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) until 2016-03-23.

OHIM had some nice programs like the

  • EURONICE - European, mostly NICE compliant, product categorisation scheme in 10 languages. A standardised way of arranging product groups
  • EUROACE is a database with descriptions of goods and services that are immediately accepted by the office.

These have now been obsoleted by EUROCLASS available at TMClass.


EURONICE was an European, mostly NICE compliant, product categorisation scheme in 10+ languages. A standardised way of arranging product groups managed by The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)

See alsoEdit

External linksEdit