User:Jukeboksi/BBA studies/Marketing: Difference between revisions

expanding on goals of w:Customer experience systems
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* '''[[w:Customer experience transformation|Customer experience transformation]]''' (CxT) is a strategy that uses [[w:business process management]] to enhance [[w:customer service|customer service]] experience from any [[w:customer|customer]] [[w:touchpoint|touchpoint]]. ( Wikipedia )
* '''[[w:Customer experience transformation|Customer experience transformation]]''' (CxT) is a strategy that uses [[w:business process management]] to enhance [[w:customer service|customer service]] experience from any [[w:customer|customer]] [[w:touchpoint|touchpoint]]. ( Wikipedia )

* '''[[w:Customer experience systems|Customer experience systems]]''' are integrated [[w:Business Support System|business]] and [[w:operational support systems|operational support systems]] (BSS/OSS) for [[w:telephone company¦]] that particularly address [[w:service provider|service provider]]s’ mandate of focusing on the [[w:customer experience|customer experience]]. ( Wikipedia with modifications )
* '''[[w:Customer experience systems|Customer experience systems]]''' are integrated [[w:Business Support System|business]] and [[w:operational support systems|operational support systems]] (BSS/OSS) for [[w:telephone company|telephone company]] that particularly address [[w:service provider|service provider]]s’ mandate of focusing on the [[w:customer experience|customer experience]]. [...] the remaining differentiator is how well a company can deliver a customer experience that is ''personalized, rewarding, and meets customer needs''. (Peppers & Rogers 2005) <ref>{{cite book|author1=Martha Rogers|author2=Don Peppers|title=Return on Customer: Creating Maximum Value From Your Scarcest Resource|url=|accessdate=13 October 2012|date=21 June 2005|publisher=Random House Digital, Inc.|isbn=978-0-385-51030-1}}</ref> ( Wikipedia with modifications )