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    The future perfect tense is that tense of speech or writing which assumes some future reality in which some hypothetical goal has been achieved or event has occurred. It does not imply that the future itself is perfect (for that see visions), it implies that the future world is perfectly known and can be described without use of terms such as "might be", "could be", "should be".

    Though it is common employed in several software development concepts, its use is much more widespread than that:

    It is basic to all back-casting methods to work in the future perfect tense.

    The Consumerium User Stories, best cases, worst cases, threats and visions are all in future perfect tense. As is most quality control work.


    • en: C2: Future Perfect Thinking citing LukeHohmann from Journey of the Software Professional: " By changing the tense of the verb, we change the way we think about the future ... descriptions generated by ... subjects using future perfect thinking were significantly more detailed than those who engaged in mere future thinking ... By helping to create detail, it helps us solve thorny problems as early as possible in the development of [a] system." pp. 48-49.