Editing User:Jukeboksi/Learning Albanian

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= Verbs =
= Verbs =
Albanian verbs are divided into 6 classes as follows:
Albanian verbs are divided into 6 classes as follows:
# [[#Class 1 verbs - end in 'j'|Class 1 - Verbs ending in 'j']]
# Class 1 - Verbs ending in 'j'
# [[#Class 2 verbs - end in a consonant|Class 2 - Verbs ending in a consonant]]
# Class 2 - Verbs ending in a consonant  
# [[#Class 3 verbs - end in a vowel|Class 3 - Verbs ending in a vowel]]
# Class 3 - Verbs ending in a vowel
# [[#Class 4 verbs - the three verbs ending in 'i'|Class 4 - Three verbs ending in 'i']]
# Class 4 - Three verbs ending in 'i'
# [[#Class 5 verbs - irregular verbs|Class 5 - Irregular verbs]]
# Class 5 - Irregular verbs
# [[#Class 6 verbs - end in '(h)em'|Class 6 - Verbs ending in '(h)em']]
# Class 6 - Verbs ending in '(h)em'

== Class 1 verbs - end in 'j' ==
== Class 1 verbs - end in 'j' ==
[[File:Albanian verbs - Class 1 - ending in 'j'.png|400px|Albanian has quite a few verbs that end in 'j']]
[[File:Albanian verbs - Class 1 - ending with a j.png|400px|Albanian has quite a few verbs that end in 'j']]

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== Lists of loan words ==
== Lists of loan words ==
The forms given for '''nouns''' are  
The forms given for nouns are  
# Singular, indefinite
# Singular, indefinite
# Singular, definite
# Singular, definite
# Plural indefinite
# Plural indefinite

The forms given for '''adjectives''' are
* [https://www.etymonline.com/ Online Etymology Dictionary] is useful if in doubt whether a word comes from English or if it a loan word of theirs.
# Masculine
# Feminine (always just add an 'e' to end)
=== Mots d'emprunt pour francophones ===
These often come via Italian or are originally from Latin by which the words not so magically happen to often be the same in French. [[User:Jukeboksi|Jukeboksi]] ([[User talk:Jukeboksi|talk]])
# abazhur, -i, -e == un abat-jour == a lampshade
# adhuroj == adorer == to worship
# aktualitet, -i, -e == une actualité == an actuality
# alkool, -i, -e == un alcool == alcohol
# ambasadë, -a, -a == une ambassade == an embassy
# analizë, -a, -a == une analyse == an analysis
# ansambël, -li, -lë == un ensamble == a (performing) group
# arbitrazh, -i, -e == un arbitrage == an arbitrage
# avion, -i, -ë == un avion == an airplane
# avokat, -i, -e == un avocat == a lawyer
# bibliotekë, -a, -a == une bibliothèque == a library
# biftek, -u, -ë == un bifteck == a beefsteak
# biletë, -a, -a == un billet == a ticket
# bluzë, -a, -a == une blouse == a blouse
# bursë, -a, -a == une bourse == this word means both, like in French, a stock exchange and a study grant for undergraduates
# diskotekë, -a, -a == une discothèque == a diskotheque
# dakord == d'accord == agreed, all right
# i disponueshëm, e -me == disponible
# divorc == un divorce == a divorce
# ekran, -i, -e == un écran == a screen
# ekspozitë, -a, -a == une exposition == an exhibition
# emision, -i, -e == une émission == TV/radio show, program, broadcast
# fill, -i, fije == un fil == a thread
# financiar, -e == financier == financial
# fizikë, -a == une physique == physics
# Francẽ, -a, -a == La France == France
# francez, -i, -ë == un français == a French
# francez, -e == français, -e == French (adj.)
# galeri, -a, - == une galerie == a gallery
# gaz, -i, -e == un gaz == a gas
# gjeografik, -e == géographique == geographic
# gjest, -i, -e == un geste == a gesture
# grevë == une grève == a strike
# gri == gris == grey
# grip, -i, -e == une grippe == a flu
# ide, -ja, - == une idée == an idea
# inkonjito == incognito == incognito
# institucion, -i, -e == une institution == an institution
# interesant, -e == interesant == interesting
# inxhinier, -i, -ë == un ingénieur == an engineer
# juridik, -e == juridique == legal, judicial
# kabinë, -a, -a == une cabine == a booth
# kafe, -ja, -e == un café == a coffee
# kanal, -i, -e == un canal == a channel
# kanion, -i, -e == un canyon == a canyon
# karakter, -i, -e == un caractère == a character, nature
# karakteristik, -e == caractéristique == characteristic
# karotë, -a, -a == une carotte == a carrot
# kartë, -a, -a == une carte == a card (also a paper)
# kartë krediti == une carte de crédit == a credit card
# katër == quatre == four
# katolik, -e == catholique == catholic
# këmishë, -a, -ë == une chemise == a shirt
# kimi, -a == chimie == chemistry
# klient, -i, -ë == un client == a client
# koleg, -u, -ë == un collègue == a colleague
# komedi, -a, - == une comédie == a comedy
# komplikacion, -i, -e == une complication == a complication
# kontratë, -a, -a == un contrat == a contract, agreement
# kostum, -i, -e == un costume == a costume, a suit
# krem, -, -e == une crème == cream
# krem karamel == la crème caramel == caramel dessert
# krizë, -a, -a == une crise == a crisis
# kronikë, -a, -a == une chronique == a chronicle, news
# kuadër, -ri, -ro == un cadre == frame, setting
# kulturë, -a, -a == une culture == a culture
# kurs, -i, -e == un course == rate, course
# kuzhinë, -a, -a == une cuisine == a kitchen
# laborator, -i, -ë == un laboratoire == a laboratory
# lahutë, -a, -a == un luth == a lute
# latin, -e == latin -e
# latino-amerkan -e == Latino-américain -e
# legjendë, -a, -a == une légende == a legend
# librari, -a, - == une librarie == a bookstore
# linjë, -a, -a == une ligne == a line
# lokal, -i,- e == un local == premises, room
# madhësti -a == une majesté == a majesty
# maj, -i == maj == May
# mandarinë, -a, -a == une mandarine == a mandarin
# mars, -i == mars == March
# mathematikë, -a, == un mathématique == mathematics
# më == me == me, to me (attn. më can be a number of other things to in sentences)
# meny, -ja, - == un menu == a menu
# menyrë, -a, -a == une manière == manner, way
# mesazh -i, -e == un message == a message
# miliard, -i, -ë == un milliard == a billion
# milion, -i, ë == un million == a million
# modë, -a == une mode == fashion
# monogami, -a, -a == la monogamie == monogamy
# mur, -i, -e == un mur == a wall
# muze, -u - == un musée == a museum
# natyrë, -a == une nature == a nature
# oriz, -i == riz == rice
# paketë, -a, -a == un paquet == a package
# park, -u, -qe == un parc == a park
# pasion, -i, -e == une passion == a passion
# peizazh, -i, -e == un paysage == a scenery
# periudhë, -a, -a == une période == a period, time
# person, -i, -a == une personne == a person
# personalitet, -i, -e == une personnalité == a personality
# përqindje, -a, -e == un pourcentage == a percentage
# pishinë, -a, -a == une piscine == a swimming pool
# pistë, -a, -a == une piste == lane, floor
# pjesë, -a, -e == une pièce == a piece
# plazh, -i, -e == une plage == a beach
# politik, -e == politique == political
# politikë, -a, -a == une politique == a policy
# portë, -a, -a == une porte == a gate
# pozicion, -i, -e == une position == a position
# presion, -i, -e == une pression == a pressure
# prezantim == présentation == presentation
# principatë, -a, -a == une principauté == a principality, princedom
# prokuror, -i, -ë == un procureur == a prosecutor
# prozë, -a, -a == une prose == a prose
# pulë, -a, -a == un poulet == a chicken
# qershi, -a, - == une cerise == a cherry
# qiell, -lli, -j == le ciel == the sky.
# recepsioniste, -ja, -e == une réceptionniste == a receptionist (fem.)
# rezultat, -i, -e == un résultat == a result
# rigon, -i == origan == oregano
# rol, -i, -e == un rôle == a role
# roman, -i, -e == un roman == a novel
# rrobë, -a, -a == une robe == clothes
# sallë, -a, -a == une salle == lobby, auditorium, room
# sandale, -ja, -e == une sandale == a sandal
# seri, -a, - == une série == a series
# shans, -i, -e == une chance == a chance
# shef, -i, -a == le chef == a chef, a chief, a boss
# shifër, -ra, -ra == un chiffre == a figure, cipher
# shofer, -i, -ë == un chauffeur == a driver
# shurup, -i, -e == un sirop == a syrup
# sistem, -i, -ë == un système == a system
# strateg, -u, -ë == un stratège == a strategist
# strategjik, -e == stratégique == strategic
# studio, -ja, - == un studio == a studio
# supë, -a, -a == une soupe == a soup
# suvenir, -i, -e == un souvenir == a souvenir
# tabelë, -a, -a == une table == (black)board
# tarracë, -a, -a == une terrasse == a terrace
# teatër, -ri, -ro - un théâtre - a theatre
# teatralë, -e == théâtral == theatrical
# teknik, -e == technique == technical
# teknologji, -a, - == une technologie == a technology
# temperaturë, -a, -a == une température == a temperature
# transfertë, -a, -a == un transfert == a transfer, transaction
# i,e trishtuar - triste - sad
# temë, -a, -a == un thème == a theme, topic
# tension, -i == une tension (artérielle) == blood pressure
# traditë, -a, -a == une tradition == a tradition
# trupë, -a, -a == une troupe == a troupe, company, band
# unitet, -i, -e == une unité == an unity
# universitet, -i, -e == une université == an university
# valixhe, -ja, -e == une valise == a suitcase, baggage
# vegjetal, -e == végétal == vegetable (adj.)
# verandë, -a, -a == une véranda == a terrace, veranda
# vitrinë, -a, -a == une vitrine == a shop window
# vizë, -a, -a == un visa == a visa
# vizitë, -a, -a == une visite == a visit
# vizitor, -i, -ë == un visiteur == a visitor
# vlerë, -a, -a == une valeur == a value

The forms given for '''verbs''' are
=== Loan words for Italian speakers ===
# First person singular present indicative
# antipastë, -a, -a == un antipasto == an antipasti
# First person singular simple past
# argjend, -i == argento == silver
# Past participle
# autobus, -i, -ë == un autobus == a bus
# ballkon, -i, -e == un balcone == a balcony
# biçikletë, -a, -a == una bicicletta == a bicycle
# birrë, -a, -a == una birra == a beer
# biskotë, -a, -a == un biscotto == a biscuit
# bizele, -ja, -e == un pisello == a bean
# çokolatë, -a, -a == una cioccolata == a chocolate
# diafragmë, -a, -a == a diaphragm
# divan, -i, -e == un divano == a sofa, a couch
# faturë, -a, -a == una fattura == a bill
# fitore, -ja, -e == una vittoria == a victory
# forum, -i, -e == un forum == a forum
# i,e fortë == forte == strong
# i,e freskët == fresco == fresh
# freskues, -e == rinfrescante == refreshing
# garazh, -i, -e == un garage == a garage
# gjigand, -i, -ë == un gigante == a giant
# gjykatës, -i, - == un giudice == a judge
# gusht, -i == agosto == August
# higjenë, -a == igiene == hygiene
# institucion, -i, -e == un'istituzione == an institution
# kakao, -ja, - == un cacao == a cocoa
# kallamar, -i, -ë == un calamaro == a calamari
# kamarier, -i, -ë == un camriere == a waiter
# kamion, -i, -e == un camion == a truck
# kapelë, -a, -a == un cappello == a cap (hat)
# kapitull, -lli, -j == un capitolo == a chapter
# kështjellë, -a, -a == un castello == a castle
# klime, -a, -a == un clima == a climate
# krap,- i, krep == una carpa == a carp
# klimë, -a, -a == un clima == a climate
# konkurrencë, -a ==  concorrenza == a competition
# konkurrent, -i, -ë == un concorrente == a competitor
# konsum, -i, -e == un consumo == consumption
# kontribut, -i, -e == un contributo == a contribution
# libër, -ri, -ra == un libro == a book
# limon, -i, -ë == un limone == a lemon
# makinë, -a, -a == una macchina == a car
# mas == mas == to weigh
# mit, -i, -e == un mito == a myth
# mobilje, -a, -e == un mobile == furniture
# nip, -i, -a == un nipote == a cousin
# orë, -a, -ë == un'ora == an hour (or a clock)
# origjinë, -a, -a == un'orignine == an origin
# pacient, -i, -ë == un paziente == a patient (male)
# pagesë, -a, -a == un pagamento == a payment
# paguaj, -ova, -uar == pagare == to pay
# paqe, -ja == pace == peace
# papagall, -lli, -j == un pappagallo == a parrot
# pantallona, -t == un pantalone == pants
# patate, -ja, -e == una patata == a potato
# patatinë, -a, -a == patatine == potato chips
# peshk, -u, peshq == un pesce == a fish
# peshkatar, -i, -ë == un pescatore == a fisherman
# për == per == for, about
# peshë, -a, -a == peso == weight
# picë, -a, -a == una pizza == a pizza
# pikant, -i, -ë == piccante == spicy
# piktor, -i, -ë == un pittore == a painter
# pjatë, -a, -a == un piatto == a plate, a dish, a course (food)
# pompoj == pompa == to pump
# pozicion, -i, -e == una posizione == a position
# proshutë, -a, -a == un prosciutto == a ham (also means bacon)
# rezistencë, -a, -a == una resistenza == a resistance
# salcë, -ë, -a == una salsa == a sauce
# salsiçise, -ja, -e == una salsiccia == a sausage
# sallatë, -a, -a == un'insalata == a salad
# siguri, -a, - == una sicurezza == a certainty
# skuadër, -ra, -ra == una squadra == a team
# stilograf, -i, -ë == una penna stilografica == a fountain pen
# tendencë, -a, -a == una tendenza == a tendency, trend
# titull, -lli, -j == un titolo == a title
# tortë, -a, -a == una torta == a cake
# tradicional, -e == tradizionale == traditional
# tren, -i, -a == un treno == a train
# vazo, -ja, - == un vaso == a vaze
# vilë, -a, -a == una villa == a villa

* [https://www.etymonline.com/ Online Etymology Dictionary] is useful if in doubt whether a word comes from English or if it a loan word of theirs.
=== Loan words for English speakers ===
=== Loan words for English speakers ===
On Saturday 2018-11-17 I made a copy of this list of loan words for English speakers to [[Wikibooks:Albanian/Loan_words_for_English_speakers]] and in the future when I add words I will update both this article and the one at Wikibooks. In the long term the best solution would be to put the words into a database, such as [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page Wikidata] and to generate the lists automatically from the database. This way there would not be the problem that some words that could be classified under "English" are instead in French or Italian because the pronunciation matches better those langauges.
==== A ====
# absurd, -e == absurd
# abuzim, -i, -e == an abuse
# abuzim, -i, -e == an abuse
# abuzoj == to abuse
# abuzoj == to abuse
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# aeroport, -i, -e == an airport
# aeroport, -i, -e == an airport
# aerobik, -e == aerobic (adj.)
# aerobik, -e == aerobic (adj.)
# agoni, -a == an agony
# akademi, -a, - == an academy
# akademi, -a, - == an academy
# aksident, -i, -e == an accident
# aksident, -i, -e == an accident
# akt, -i, -e == an act
# aktiv, -e == active
# aktiv, -e == active
# aktivitet, -i, -e == an activity
# aktivitet, -i, -e == an activity
# aktor, -i, -ë == an actor
# aktor, -i, -ë == an actor
# akuzë, -a, -a == an accusation
# akuzoj == to accuse
# akuzoj == to accuse
# aleancë, -a, -a == an alliance
# aleancë, -a, -a == an alliance
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# amnion, -i, -e (?) == an amnion
# amnion, -i, -e (?) == an amnion
# anemi, -a, -a == an anemia
# anemi, -a, -a == an anemia
# anormal, -e == anormal
# antik, -e == antique
# antik, -e == antique
# antikitet, -i == antiquity  
# antikitet, -i == antiquity  
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# apartament, -i, -e == an apartment
# apartament, -i, -e == an apartment
# aplikacion, -i, -e == an application
# aplikacion, -i, -e == an application
# aplikoj, -ova, -uar == to apply
# arkeolog, -u, -ë == an archaeologist
# arkeolog, -u, -ë == an archaeologist
# arkeologjik, -e == archaeological  
# arkeologjik, -e == archaeological  
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# atmosferë, -a, -a == an atmosphere
# atmosferë, -a, -a == an atmosphere
# audiencë, -a, -a == an audience
# audiencë, -a, -a == an audience
# autentik, -e == authentic
# autor, -i, -ë == an author
# autoritarist, -e == authoritarian
# autoritarist, -e == authoritarian
# autoritet, -i, -ë == an authority
# autoritet, -i, -ë == an authority
==== B ====
# bakter, -e, bakterie == bacterium
# bakter, -e, bakterie == bacterium
# balet, -i, -e == a ballet
# balet, -i, -e == a ballet
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# bankë, -a, -a == a bank
# bankë, -a, -a == a bank
# banknotë, -a, -a == a banknote
# banknotë, -a, -a == a banknote
# barbar, -e == barbaric
# berber, -i, -e == a barber
# barometër, -ri, -ra == a barometer
# barometër, -ri, -ra == a barometer
# basketboll, -i == basketball
# basketboll, -i == basketball
# basketbollist, -i, -ë == a baskeball player
# basketbollist, -i, -ë == a baskeball player
# bazë, -ë, -a == a base
# bazë, -ë, -a == a base
# bilanc, -i, -e == a balance (business)
# biznesmen, -i, -ë == a businessman
# biznesmen, -i, -ë == a businessman
# blasfemoj == to blaspheme
# blasfemoj == to blaspheme
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# brokoli == broccoli
# brokoli == broccoli
# bunker, -i, -ë == a bunker
# bunker, -i, -ë == a bunker
# burokratik, -e == bureaucratic
==== C ====
# celular, -e == cellular
# celular, -e == cellular
# ceremoni, -a, - == a ceremony
# ceremoni, -a, - == a ceremony
# çek, -ku, -qe == a check (payment instrument)
# cikël, -li, -le == a cycle
# cikël, -li, -le == a cycle
# ciklon, -i, -e == a cyclone
# citoplazmë, -ë (?), -a == a cytoplasm
# citoplazmë, -ë (?), -a == a cytoplasm
==== Ç ====
# çek, -ku, -qe == a check (payment instrument)
==== D ====
# datë, -a, -a == a date (time)
# datë, -a, -a == a date (time)
# datoj == to date (time)
# datoj == to date (time)
# debat, -i, -e == a debate
# debat, -i, -e == a debate
# dekade, -ë, -a == a decade
# dekade, -ë, -a == a decade
# deklaratë, -a, -a == a declaration, a statement
# deklaroj == to declare
# deklaroj == to declare
# dekret, -i, -e == a decree
# demonstrativ, -e == demonstrative
# denoncoj == to denounce
# dentar, -e == dental
# dentar, -e == dental
# dentist, -i, -ë == a dentist
# dentist, -i, -ë == a dentist
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# dialekt, -i, -e == a dialect
# dialekt, -i, -e == a dialect
# dietë, -a, -a == a diet
# dietë, -a, -a == a diet
# dinamik, -e == dynamic
# diplomat, -i, -ë == a diplomat
# diplomat, -i, -ë == a diplomat
# disidencë, -a, -a == dissidence
# disidencë, -a, -a == dissidence
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# dominoj == to dominate
# dominoj == to dominate
# dozë, -a, -a == a dose
# dozë, -a, -a == a dose
==== E ====
# editorial, -i, -e == an editorial
# editorial, -i, -e == an editorial
# edukatë, -a == an education
# edukatë, -a == an education
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# elastik, -e == elastic
# elastik, -e == elastic
# elegant, -e == elegant
# elegant, -e == elegant
# elektoral, -e == electoral
# elektricitet, -i == electricity
# elektricitet, -i == electricity
# elektronik, -e == electronic
# elektronik, -e == electronic
# element, -i, -e == an element
# eliminoj, -ova, -uar == to eliminate
# elitë, -a, -a == an elite
# elitë, -a, -a == an elite
# embrion, -i, -e == an embryo
# embrion, -i, -e == an embryo
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# energji, -a, -të == an energy
# energji, -a, -të == an energy
# epidermë == an epidermis
# epidermë == an epidermis
# estetik, -e == aesthetic
# estetik, -e == aesthetic  
==== F ====
# i famshëm, e famshme == famous
# i famshëm, e famshme == famous
# favor, -i, -e == a favour
# favor, -i, -e == a favour
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# finalizoj == to finalize
# finalizoj == to finalize
# financier, -i, -ë == a financier
# financier, -i, -ë == a financier
# fiskal, -e == fiscal
# firmë, -a, -a == a firm (business)
# firmë, -a, -a == a firm (business)
# flagrant, -e == flagrant
# fleksibilitet, -i, -e (?) == a flexibility
# fleksibilitet, -i, -e (?) == a flexibility
# fluks, -i, -e == a flux
# formal, -e == formal
# formal, -e == formal
# formë, -a, -a == a form, shape (paper or digital form is formular)
# formë, -a, -a == a form, shape (paper or digital form is formular)
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# furnizoj == to furnish
# furnizoj == to furnish
# futboll, -i == football (soccer)
# futboll, -i == football (soccer)
==== G ====
# galeri, -a, - == a gallery
# galeri, -a, - == a gallery
# gest, -i, -e == a gesture
# gest, -i, -e == a gesture
# gjenocid, -i, -e == a genocide
# gjerman, -i, -ë == German (nationality)
# gjerman, -e == German (adj.)
# gjigant, -e == gigantic
# gjimnastikor, -i == gymnastic (adj.)
# global, -e == global
# global, -e == global
# glob, -i, -e == a globe
# glob, -i, -e == a globe
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# grup, -i, -e == a group
# grup, -i, -e == a group
# guvernator, -i, -ë == a governor
# guvernator, -i, -ë == a governor
==== Gj ====
# gjerman, -i, -ë == German (nationality)
# gjerman, -e == German (adj.)
# gjigant, -e == gigantic
# gjimnastikor, -i == gymnastic (adj.)
==== H ====
# hamburger, -i, -ë == a hamburger
# hamburger, -i, -ë == a hamburger
# harmonik, -e == harmonic
# harmonik, -e == harmonic
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# heretik, -u, -ë == a heretic
# heretik, -u, -ë == a heretic
# hero, -i, -nj == a hero
# hero, -i, -nj == a hero
# heroizëm, -zmi, -zma == a heroism
# hezitoj == to hesitate
# hezitoj == to hesitate
# hibrid, -e == hybrid
# hibrid, -e == hybrid
# hierarkik, -e == hierarchical
# himn, -i, -e == a hymn
# himn, -i, -e == a hymn
# hipokrit, -i, -ë == a hypocrite
# hipotezë, -a, -a == a hyptothesis
# historik, -e == historical
# historik, -e == historical
# holl, -i, -e == a hall
# holl, -i, -e == a hall
# horizont, -i, -e == a horizon
# hotel, -i, -e == a hotel
# hotel, -i, -e == a hotel
==== I ====
# identifikim, -i, -e == an identification
# identifikim, -i, -e == an identification
# ikonografik, -e == iconographic
# ikonografik, -e == iconographic
# iluzion, -i, -e == an illusion
# imejl == email (also postë elektronike, email or e-mail)
# imejl == email (also postë elektronike, email or e-mail)
# implementim, -i, -e == an implementation
# imponoj == to impose
# imponoj == to impose
# inauguroj, -ova, -uar == inaugurate
# inauguroj == inaugurate
# individual, -e == individual (adj.)
# individual, -e == individual (adj.)
# industri, -a, -a == an industry
# industri, -a, -a == an industry
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# inspiroj == to inspire
# inspiroj == to inspire
# integrim, -i, -e == an integration
# integrim, -i, -e == an integration
# intelekt, -i, -e == an intellect
# intelektual, -e == intellectual
# instrument, -i, -e == an instrument
# instrument, -i, -e == an instrument
# intensivisht == intensively
# intensivisht == intensively
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# interpretim, -i, -e == an interpretation
# interpretim, -i, -e == an interpretation
# interpretoj == to interpret
# interpretoj == to interpret
# implikoj == to imply
# Itali, -a == Italy
# Itali, -a == Italy
# italian, -e == Italian (adj.)
# italian, -e == Italian (adj.)
# italian, -i, -ë == Italian (nationality
# italian, -i, -ë == Italian (nationality
# itinerar, -i, -e == an itinerary
# itinerar, -i, -e == an itinerary
==== J ====
# janar, -i == January
# janar, -i == January
# ju == you
# ju == you
==== K ====
# kamp, -i, -e == a a camp
# kamp, -i, -e == a a camp
# kancer, -i, -e == a cancer
# kandidat, -i, -ë == a candidate
# kandidat, -i, -ë == a candidate
# kapacitet, -i, -e == a capacity
# kapilar, -, -ë == a capillary
# kapilar, -, -ë == a capillary
# kapital, -i, -e (?) == a capital
# kapital, -i, -e (?) == a capital
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# kitarist, -i, -ë == a guitarist
# kitarist, -i, -ë == a guitarist
# kivi == a kiwi (fruit)
# kivi == a kiwi (fruit)
# klasifikim, -i, -e == a classification
# klasifikoj, -ova, -uar == to classify
# kler, -i, -e == a clergy
# kler, -i, -e == a clergy
# klinikë, -a, -a == a clinic
# klinikë, -a, -a == a clinic
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# klorofil, -i, -ë == a chlorophyll
# klorofil, -i, -ë == a chlorophyll
# klub, -i, -e == a club
# klub, -i, -e == a club
# koherent, -e == coherent
# kolateral, -i, -e == a collateral
# koleg, -u, -ë == a colleague
# koleksion, -i, -e == a collection
# koleksion, -i, -e == a collection
# koleksonoj == to collect
# koleksonoj == to collect
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# koment, -i, -e == a comment
# koment, -i, -e == a comment
# komision, -i, -e == a commission
# komision, -i, -e == a commission
# kompromis, -i, -e == a compromise
# komunal, -e == communal
# komunal, -e == communal
# kon, -i, -e == a cone
# koncept, -i, -e == a concept
# koncesion, -i, -e == a concession
# koncesion, -i, -e == a concession
# konflikt, -i, -e == a conflict
# konflikt, -i, -e == a conflict
# konkret, -e == concrete (adj.)
# koordinim, -i, -e == a coordination
# koordinoj, -ova, -uar == to coordinate
# konsensual, -e == consensual
# konsensual, -e == consensual
# konsensus, -i, -e == a consensus
# konsideratë, -a, -a == a consideration
# konsistent, -e == consistent
# konspiroj == to conspire
# konspiroj == to conspire
# konstante, -ja - == a constant
# kontrast, -i, -e == a contrast
# kopjoj == to copy
# kopjoj == to copy
# kolesterol, -i == a cholesterol  
# kolesterol, -i == a cholesterol  
# kombinim, -i, -e == a combination
# kombinim, -i, -e == a combination
# kompani, -a, - == a company
# kompani, -a, - == a company
# kompetencë, -a, -a == a competence
# kompjuter, -i, -a == a computer
# kompjuter, -i, -a == a computer
# komplotoj == to complot
# kompresë, -a, -a == a compress
# kompresë, -a, -a == a compress
# komunitet, -i, -e == a community
# komunitet, -i, -e == a community
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# konsumoj == to consume
# konsumoj == to consume
# kontaktoj == to contact
# kontaktoj == to contact
# kontestoj, -ova, -uar == to contest
# kontrolloj == to control, inspect, examine
# kontrolloj == to control, inspect, examine
# kontroll, -i, -e == a control, check
# kontroll, -i, -e == a control, check
# kopje, -a, -e ==  a copy
# kopje, -a, -e ==  a copy
# korrekt, -e == correct (adj.)
# korrespondoj == to correspond
# korrespondoj == to correspond
# korrigjoj == to correct
# korrigjoj == to correct
# korrupsion, -i, -e == a corruption
# korrupsion, -i, -e == a corruption
# kosto, -ja, - == a cost
# krap, -i, krep == a carp
# krap, -i, krep == a carp
# kreativitet, -i, -e == a creativity
# kreativitet, -i, -e == a creativity
# kredi, -a, -a == a credit
# krijoj == to create
# krijoj == to create
# krim, -i, -e == a crime
# krim, -i, -e == a crime
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# kromozom, -i, -e == a chromosome
# kromozom, -i, -e == a chromosome
# kualifikoj == to qualify
# kualifikoj == to qualify
# kulm, -i, -e == a culmination
# kult, -i, -e == a cult
# kult, -i, -e == a cult
# kultivim, -i, -e == a cultivation
# kultivoj == to cultivate
# kupë, -a, -a == a cup
# kupë, -a, -a == a cup
# kurs, -i, -e == a course (studying or exchange rate)
# kurs, -i, -e == a course (studying or exchange rate)
# kushtoj == to cost
# kushtoj == to cost
==== L ====
# letër, -ra, -ra == a letter, a card
# letër, -ra, -ra == a letter, a card
# lider == a leader
# lider == a leader
# lidership, -i, -e == a leadership
# litër, -ri, -ra == a liter
# litër, -ri, -ra == a liter
# luxoz, -e == luxurious
==== M ====
# madhësti, -a == majesty, grandiosity
# madhësti, -a == majesty, grandiosity
# mafie, -a, -a == a mafia
# mafie, -a, -a == a mafia
# magnet == a magnet
# magnet == a magnet
# marshoj == to march
# marshoj == to march
# masiv, -e == massive
# maskoj == to mask, camouflage, disguise
# maskoj == to mask, camouflage, disguise
# material, -i, -e == material
# material, -i, -e == material
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# mentalitet, -i, -e == a mentality
# mentalitet, -i, -e == a mentality
# meritoj == to merit
# meritoj == to merit
# mikro == micro
# militant, -e == militant
# militant, -e == militant
# mineral == mineral
# mineral == mineral
# ministër, -ri, -ra = a minister
# ministër, -ri, -ra = a minister
# Ministri, -a, - == a ministry
# Ministri, -a, - == a ministry
# mision, -i, -e == a mission
# mister, -i, -e == a mystery
# mister, -i, -e == a mystery
# model, -i, -e == a model
# model, -i, -e == a model
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# moment, -i, -e == a moment
# moment, -i, -e == a moment
# monoksid, -i, -e == monoxide
# monoksid, -i, -e == monoxide
# monopol, -i, -e == a monopoly
# monopolistik, -e == monopolistic
# monument, -i, -e == a monument
# monument, -i, -e == a monument
# moral, -e == moral (adj.)
# mozaik, -i, -ë == a mosaic
# mozaik, -i, -ë == a mosaic
# multikulturor, -e == multicultural
# i multilateralizëm, e -me == multilateralism
# i multilateralizëm, e -me == multilateralism
# mural, -e == mural (adj.)
# muskul, -i, -jt == a muscle
# muskul, -i, -jt == a muscle
# muzikë, -a == music
# muzikë, -a == music
==== N ====
# nacionalist, -e == nationalist (adj.)
# nacionalizëm, -zmi, -zma == nationalism
# neglizhoj == to neglect
# nikotinë, -a, -a == a nicotine
# nikotinë, -a, -a == a nicotine
# nostalgji, -a, -të == a nostalgy
# nostalgji, -a, -të == a nostalgy
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# notar, -i, -ë == a notary
# notar, -i, -ë == a notary
# numeroj == to number, numerate, count
# numeroj == to number, numerate, count
==== O ====
# objekt, -i, -e == objects
# objekt, -i, -e == objects
# ofertë, -a, -a == an offer
# ofertë, -a, -a == an offer
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# oksigjen, -i, -e == oxygen
# oksigjen, -i, -e == oxygen
# oksigjenoj == to oxygenate
# oksigjenoj == to oxygenate
# oligarki, -, -të (?) == an oligarchy
# operacion, -i, -e == an operation
# operë, -a, -a == an opera
# operë, -a, -a == an opera
# operoj, -ova, -uar == to operate
# operoj, -ova, -uar == to operate
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# ovidukt, - (?), -e == an oviduct
# ovidukt, - (?), -e == an oviduct
# ovulacion, -i, -e == an ovulation
# ovulacion, -i, -e == an ovulation
==== P ====
# pako, -ja, - == a pack, packet, parcel
# pako, -ja, - == a pack, packet, parcel
# pankreas, -i, -e (?) == a pancreas
# pankreas, -i, -e (?) == a pancreas
# paradë, -a, -a == a parade
# paradoks, -i, -e == a paradox
# paradoksal, -e == paradoxal
# parlament, -i, -e == a parliament
# parlament, -i, -e == a parliament
# park, -ku, -qe == a park
# park, -ku, -qe == a park
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# pasion, -i, -e == a passion
# pasion, -i, -e == a passion
# pasionant, -e == passionate
# pasionant, -e == passionate
# pasiv, -e == passive
# patriotik, -e == patriotic
# patriotik, -e == patriotic
# pazar, -i, -e == a bazaar, a marketplace
# pazar, -i, -e == a bazaar, a marketplace
# penal, -e == penal
# penis, -i, -e == a penis
# penis, -i, -e == a penis
# periferi, -a, -të == a periphery
# periferi, -a, -të == a periphery
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# polifoni, -a, - == a polyphony  
# polifoni, -a, - == a polyphony  
# populist, -e == populist
# populist, -e == populist
# popullsi, -a, popujt == a population
# popullor, -e == popular
# popullor, -e == popular
# porcelan, -i == porcelain
# porcelan, -i == porcelain
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# postë, -a, -a == mail, post office post
# postë, -a, -a == mail, post office post
# potencial, -i, -e == a potential
# potencial, -i, -e == a potential
# pozicionim, -i, -e == a positioning
# pragmatik, -e == pragmatic
# pragmatik, -e == pragmatic
# pragmatizëm, -mi, -ma == a pragmatism
# pragmatizëm, -mi, -ma == a pragmatism
# precedent, -i, -ë == a precendent
# preferoj, -ova, -uar == to prefer
# preferoj, -ova, -uar == to prefer
# i,e preferuar == preferred
# i,e preferuar == preferred
# prestigjoz -e == prestigious
# prestigjoz -e == prestigious
# pretendoj == to pretend
# prill, -i == April
# prill, -i == April
# prioritet, -, -e == a priority
# problem, -i, -e == a problem
# problem, -i, -e == a problem
# proces, -i, -e == a process
# proces, -i, -e == a process
# prodhoj == to produce
# prodhoj == to produce
# program, -i, -e == a program
# program, -i, -e == a program
# projekt, -i, -e == a project
# propagandë, -a, -a == a propaganda
# propozoj, -ova, -uar == to propose
# propozoj, -ova, -uar == to propose
# prostatë, -a, -e == a prostate
# prostatë, -a, -e == a prostate
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# puloverë, -a, -a == a pullover, a sweater
# puloverë, -a, -a == a pullover, a sweater
# puls, -i,- e ==  a pulse
# puls, -i,- e ==  a pulse
==== Q ====
# qendër, -a, -a == a center
# qendër, -a, -a == a center
==== R ====
# racional, -e == rational
# radio, -ja, - == a radio
# radio, -ja, - == a radio
# raketë, -a, -a == a rocket
# raketë, -a, -a == a rocket
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# rezultat, -i, -e == a result
# rezultat, -i, -e == a result
# reduktoj, -ova, -uar == to reduce
# reduktoj, -ova, -uar == to reduce
# referendum, -i, -e == a referendum
# referohem == to refer
# reformë, -a, -a == a reform
# relativ, -e == relative (adj.)
# relativisht == relatively
# relativisht == relatively
# religjioz, -e == religious
# religjioz, -e == religious
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# rival, -i, -ë == a rival
# rival, -i, -ë == a rival
# i,e rregullt == regular
# i,e rregullt == regular
# rural, -e == rural
==== S ====
# saktë == exactly
# saktë == exactly
# i,e saktë == exact
# i,e saktë == exact
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# sekt, -i, -e == a sect
# sekt, -i, -e == a sect
# sektor, -i, -ë == a sector
# sektor, -i, -ë == a sector
# sekuestroj, -ova, -uar == to sequestrate
# semestër, -ri, -ra == a semester
# semestër, -ri, -ra == a semester
# seminar, -i, -e == a seminar
# seminar, -i, -e == a seminar
# sezon, -i, -e == a season
# sezon, -i, -e == a season
# sferë, -a, -a == a sphere
# shkollë, -a, -a == a school
# shtet, -i, -e == a state, country
# shtet, -i, -e == a state, country
# simbiozë, -a, -a == a symbiosis
# simbolik, -e == symbolic, very cheap
# simbolik, -e == symbolic, very cheap
# simpati, -a, - == a sympathy
# simptomë, -a, -a == a symptom
# simptomë, -a, -a == a symptom
# sinjal, -i, -e == a signal
# sinjal, -i, -e == a signal
# i,e sinqertë == sincere
# i,e sinqertë == sincere
# situatë, -a, -a == a situation, condition
# situatë, -a, -a == a situation, condition
# skandal, -i, -e == a scandal
# skandaloz, -e == scandalous
# skaner, -i, -ë == a scanner
# skanoj == to scan
# skanoj == to scan
# skemë, -a, -a == a scheme
# skemë, -a, -a == a scheme
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# social, -e == social
# social, -e == social
# solemn, -e == solemn, gala
# solemn, -e == solemn, gala
# specialist, -, -ë == a specialist
# specifikë, -a, -a == a specific feature
# specifikë, -a, -a == a specific feature
# spektakël, -li, -le == a spectacle
# spektakël, -li, -le == a spectacle
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# sporadik, -e == sporadic
# sporadik, -e == sporadic
# staf, -i, -e == a staff
# staf, -i, -e == a staff
# statik, -e == static
# status, -i, -e == a status
# statut, -i, -e == a statute
# statut, -i, -e == a statute
# sugjerim, -i, -e == a suggestion
# sukses, -i, -e == success
# sukses, -i, -e == success
# stimulim, -i, -e == a stimulation
# stimuloj, -ova, -uar == to stimulate
# stomak, -u, -ë == a stomach
# stomak, -u, -ë == a stomach
# stres, -i == stress
# stres, -i == stress
# strukturë, -a, -a == a structure
# studim, -i, -e == a study
# studioj == to study
# studioj == to study
==== Sh ====
# shkollë, -a, -a == a school
==== T ====
# taksi, -a, - == a taxi
# taksi, -a, - == a taxi
# tank, -i, -e == a tank
# tekst, -i, -e == a text
# tekst, -i, -e == a text
# telefon, -i, -a == a telephone
# telefon, -i, -a == a telephone
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# termometër, -ri, -ra == a thermometer
# termometër, -ri, -ra == a thermometer
# terror, -i, -e == a terror
# terror, -i, -e == a terror
# total, -i, -e == a total
# total, -e == total (adj.)
# totalitar, -e == totalitarian
# totalitar, -e == totalitarian
# torturë, -a, -a == torture
# torturë, -a, -a == torture
# trafikant, -i, -ë == a trafficker
# trafikant, -i, -ë == a trafficker
# trafikim, -i, -e == a trafficking
# trafikim, -i, -e == a trafficking
# trajner, -i, -ë == a trainer
# trajtim, -i, -e == a treatment
# trajtim, -i, -e == a treatment
# trajtoj == to treat
# trajtoj == to treat
# transferim, -i, -e == a transfer
# transferim, -i, -e == a transfer
# transparent, -e == transparent
# transport, -i, -e == a transport
# trojan, -i, -ë == Trojan
# tub, -i, -a == a tube  
# tub, -i, -a == a tube  
# turist, -i, -ë == a tourist
# turist, -i, -ë == a tourist
# turistik, -e == touristic
# turistik, -e == touristic
==== U ====
# unik, -e == unique
# unik, -e == unique
# uretër, -ra, -ra == an urethra
# uretër, -ra, -ra == an urethra
# urgjencë, -a, -a == an urgency
# urgjent, -e == urgent
==== V ====
# vaginë, -a, -a == a vagina
# vaginë, -a, -a == a vagina
# vaksinë, -a, -a == a vaccine
# vaksinë, -a, -a == a vaccine
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# vanilje, -a == vanilla
# vanilje, -a == vanilla
# variant, -i, -e == a variant, variation
# variant, -i, -e == a variant, variation
# varioj, -ova, -uar == to vary
# vëllim, -i, -e == volume
# vëllim, -i, -e == volume
# venë, -, -a == a vein
# venë, -, -a == a vein
# viktimë, -a, -a == a victim
# viktimë, -a, -a == a victim
# violinë, -a, -a == a violin
# vitaminë, -a, -a == a vitamin
# vitaminë, -a, -a == a vitamin
# vizitoj == to visit
# vizitoj == to visit
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# votë, -a, -a == a vote
# votë, -a, -a == a vote
# votim, -i, -e == a voting
# votim, -i, -e == a voting
==== Xh ====
# xhaketë, -a, -a == a jacket
# xhaketë, -a, -a == a jacket
# xhinse == jeans, denim
# xhinse == jeans, denim
==== Z ====
# zero == zero
# zero == zero
# zigot, -i, -a == a zygote
# zigot, -i, -a == a zygote
# zonë, -a, -a == zone, area, region
# zonë, -a, -a == zone, area, region
=== Loan words for French speakers ===
These often come via Italian or are originally from Latin by which the words not so magically happen to often be the same in French. [[User:Jukeboksi|Jukeboksi]] ([[User talk:Jukeboksi|talk]])
# abazhur, -i, -e == un abat-jour == a lampshade
# adhuroj == adorer == to worship
# aktualitet, -i, -e == une actualité == an actuality
# alkool, -i, -e == un alcool == alcohol
# ambasadë, -a, -a == une ambassade == an embassy
# anulim, -i, -e == une annulation == a cancellation
# analizë, -a, -a == une analyse == an analysis
# ansambël, -li, -lë == un ensamble == a (performing) group
# arbitrazh, -i, -e == un arbitrage == an arbitrage
# avion, -i, -ë == un avion == an airplane
# avokat, -i, -e == un avocat == a lawyer
# bibliotekë, -a, -a == une bibliothèque == a library
# biftek, -u, -ë == un bifteck == a beefsteak
# biletë, -a, -a == un billet == a ticket
# bluzë, -a, -a == une blouse == a blouse
# bursë, -a, -a == une bourse == this word means both, like in French, a stock exchange and a study grant for undergraduates
# diskotekë, -a, -a == une discothèque == a diskotheque
# dakord == d'accord == agreed, all right
# i disponueshëm, e -me == disponible
# divorc == un divorce == a divorce
# ekran, -i, -e == un écran == a screen
# ekspozitë, -a, -a == une exposition == an exhibition
# emision, -i, -e == une émission == TV/radio show, program, broadcast
# filial, -i, -e == une filiale == a subsidiary (company)
# fill, -i, fije == un fil == a thread
# financiar, -e == financier == financial
# fizikë, -a == une physique == physics
# Francẽ, -a, -a == La France == France
# francez, -i, -ë == un français == a French
# francez, -e == français, -e == French (adj.)
# galeri, -a, - == une galerie == a gallery
# gaz, -i, -e == un gaz == a gas
# gjeografik, -e == géographique == geographic
# gjest, -i, -e == un geste == a gesture
# grevë, -a, -a == une grève == a strike
# gri == gris == grey
# grip, -i, -e == une grippe == a flu
# hipotekë, -a, -a == une hypothèque == a mortgage
# ide, -ja, - == une idée == an idea
# imazh, -i, -e == une image == an image
# inkonjito == incognito == incognito
# institucion, -i, -e == une institution == an institution
# interesant, -e == interesant == interesting
# inxhinier, -i, -ë == un ingénieur == an engineer
# juridik, -e == juridique == legal, judicial
# kabinë, -a, -a == une cabine == a booth
# kafe, -ja, -e == un café == a coffee
# kanal, -i, -e == un canal == a channel
# kanion, -i, -e == un canyon == a canyon
# karakter, -i, -e == un caractère == a character, nature
# karakteristik, -e == caractéristique == characteristic
# karburant, -i , -e == un carburant == a fuel
# karotë, -a, -a == une carotte == a carrot
# kartë, -a, -a == une carte == a card (also a paper)
# kartë krediti == une carte de crédit == a credit card
# katër == quatre == four
# katolik, -e == catholique == catholic
# këmishë, -a, -ë == une chemise == a shirt
# kimi, -a == chimie == chemistry
# klient, -i, -ë == un client == a client
# koleg, -u, -ë == un collègue == a colleague
# komedi, -a, - == une comédie == a comedy
# komplikacion, -i, -e == une complication == a complication
# kontratë, -a, -a == un contrat == a contract, agreement
# kostum, -i, -e == un costume == a costume, a suit
# krem, -, -e == une crème == cream
# krem karamel == la crème caramel == caramel dessert
# krizë, -a, -a == une crise == a crisis
# kronikë, -a, -a == une chronique == a chronicle, news
# kuadër, -ri, -ro == un cadre == frame, setting
# kulturë, -a, -a == une culture == a culture
# kurs, -i, -e == un course == rate, course
# kuzhinë, -a, -a == une cuisine == a kitchen
# laborator, -i, -ë == un laboratoire == a laboratory
# lahutë, -a, -a == un luth == a lute
# latin, -e == latin -e
# latino-amerkan -e == Latino-américain -e
# legjendë, -a, -a == une légende == a legend
# librari, -a, - == une librarie == a bookstore
# linjë, -a, -a == une ligne == a line
# lokal, -i,- e == un local == premises, room
# madhësti -a == une majesté == a majesty
# maj, -i == maj == May
# mandarinë, -a, -a == une mandarine == a mandarin
# mars, -i == mars == March
# mathematikë, -a, == un mathématique == mathematics
# më == me == me, to me (attn. më can be a number of other things to in sentences)
# meny, -ja, - == un menu == a menu
# menyrë, -a, -a == une manière == manner, way
# mesazh -i, -e == un message == a message
# miliard, -i, -ë == un milliard == a billion
# milion, -i, ë == un million == a million
# modë, -a == une mode == fashion
# monogami, -a, -a == la monogamie == monogamy
# mur, -i, -e == un mur == a wall
# muze, -u - == un musée == a museum
# natyrë, -a == une nature == a nature
# nivel, -i, -e == un niveau == a level
# oriz, -i == riz == rice
# paketë, -a, -a == un paquet == a package
# park, -u, -qe == un parc == a park
# pasion, -i, -e == une passion == a passion
# peizazh, -i, -e == un paysage == a scenery
# periudhë, -a, -a == une période == a period, time
# person, -i, -a == une personne == a person
# personalitet, -i, -e == une personnalité == a personality
# përqindje, -a, -e == un pourcentage == a percentage
# pishinë, -a, -a == une piscine == a swimming pool
# pistë, -a, -a == une piste == lane, floor
# pjesë, -a, -e == une pièce == a piece
# plazh, -i, -e == une plage == a beach
# politik, -e == politique == political
# politikë, -a, -a == une politique == a policy
# portë, -a, -a == une porte == a gate
# pozicion, -i, -e == une position == a position
# presion, -i, -e == une pression == a pressure
# prezantim == présentation == presentation
# principatë, -a, -a == une principauté == a principality, princedom
# prokuror, -i, -ë == un procureur == a prosecutor
# prozë, -a, -a == une prose == a prose
# pulë, -a, -a == un poulet == a chicken
# qershi, -a, - == une cerise == a cherry
# qiell, -lli, -j == le ciel == the sky.
# recepsioniste, -ja, -e == une réceptionniste == a receptionist (fem.)
# renë == un renne
# rezultat, -i, -e == un résultat == a result
# rigon, -i == origan == oregano
# rol, -i, -e == un rôle == a role
# roman, -i, -e == un roman == a novel
# rrobë, -a, -a == une robe == clothes
# sallë, -a, -a == une salle == lobby, auditorium, room
# sandale, -ja, -e == une sandale == a sandal
# seri, -a, - == une série == a series
# shans, -i, -e == une chance == a chance
# shef, -i, -a == le chef == a chef, a chief, a boss
# shifër, -ra, -ra == un chiffre == a figure, cipher
# shofer, -i, -ë == un chauffeur == a driver
# shurup, -i, -e == un sirop == a syrup
# sistem, -i, -ë == un système == a system
# strateg, -u, -ë == un stratège == a strategist
# strategjik, -e == stratégique == strategic
# studio, -ja, - == un studio == a studio
# sugjeroj, -ova, -uar == suggérer == to suggest
# supë, -a, -a == une soupe == a soup
# suvenir, -i, -e == un souvenir == a souvenir
# tabelë, -a, -a == une table == (black)board
# tarracë, -a, -a == une terrasse == a terrace
# teatër, -ri, -ro - un théâtre - a theatre
# teatral, -e == théâtral == theatrical
# teknik, -e == technique == technical
# teknologji, -a, - == une technologie == a technology
# temperaturë, -a, -a == une température == a temperature
# tragjedi -a == une tragédie == a tradegy
# transfertë, -a, -a == un transfert == a transfer, transaction
# i,e trishtuar - triste - sad
# temë, -a, -a == un thème == a theme, topic
# tension, -i == une tension (artérielle) == blood pressure
# traditë, -a, -a == une tradition == a tradition
# trupë, -a, -a == une troupe == a troupe, company, band
# unitet, -i, -e == une unité == an unity
# universitet, -i, -e == une université == an university
# valixhe, -ja, -e == une valise == a suitcase, baggage
# vegjetal, -e == végétal == vegetable (adj.)
# verandë, -a, -a == une véranda == a terrace, veranda
# vitrinë, -a, -a == une vitrine == a shop window
# vizë, -a, -a == un visa == a visa
# vizitë, -a, -a == une visite == a visit
# vizitor, -i, -ë == un visiteur == a visitor
# vlerë, -a, -a == une valeur == a value
=== Loan words for Italian speakers ===
# aleancë, -a, -a == un'alleanza == an alliance
# ambient, -i, -e == un ambiente == an ambiance
# antipastë, -a, -a == un antipasto == an antipasti
# argjend, -i == argento == silver
# autobus, -i, -ë == un autobus == a bus
# ballkon, -i, -e == un balcone == a balcony
# biçikletë, -a, -a == una bicicletta == a bicycle
# birrë, -a, -a == una birra == a beer
# biskotë, -a, -a == un biscotto == a biscuit
# bizele, -ja, -e == un pisello == a bean
# çokolatë, -a, -a == una cioccolata == a chocolate
# diafragmë, -a, -a == a diaphragm
# divan, -i, -e == un divano == a sofa, a couch
# faturë, -a, -a == una fattura == a bill
# fitore, -ja, -e == una vittoria == a victory
# forum, -i, -e == un forum == a forum
# i,e fortë == forte == strong
# i,e freskët == fresco == fresh
# freskues, -e == rinfrescante == refreshing
# garazh, -i, -e == un garage == a garage
# gjigand, -i, -ë == un gigante == a giant
# gjykatës, -i, - == un giudice == a judge
# gusht, -i == agosto == August
# higjenë, -a == igiene == hygiene
# institucion, -i, -e == un'istituzione == an institution
# kakao, -ja, - == un cacao == a cocoa
# kallamar, -i, -ë == un calamaro == a calamari
# kamarier, -i, -ë == un camriere == a waiter
# kamion, -i, -e == un camion == a truck
# kapelë, -a, -a == un cappello == a cap (hat)
# kapitull, -lli, -j == un capitolo == a chapter
# kështjellë, -a, -a == un castello == a castle
# klime, -a, -a == un clima == a climate
# krap,- i, krep == una carpa == a carp
# klimë, -a, -a == un clima == a climate
# konkurrencë, -a ==  concorrenza == a competition
# konkurrent, -i, -ë == un concorrente == a competitor
# konsum, -i, -e == un consumo == consumption
# kontribut, -i, -e == un contributo == a contribution
# libër, -ri, -ra == un libro == a book
# limon, -i, -ë == un limone == a lemon
# makinë, -a, -a == una macchina == a car
# mas == mas == to weigh
# mit, -i, -e == un mito == a myth
# mobilje, -a, -e == un mobile == furniture
# nip, -i, -a == un nipote == a cousin
# orë, -a, -ë == un'ora == an hour (or a clock)
# origjinë, -a, -a == un'orignine == an origin
# pacient, -i, -ë == un paziente == a patient (male)
# pagesë, -a, -a == un pagamento == a payment
# paguaj, -ova, -uar == pagare == to pay
# paqe, -ja == pace == peace
# papagall, -lli, -j == un pappagallo == a parrot
# pantallona, -t == un pantalone == pants
# patate, -ja, -e == una patata == a potato
# patatinë, -a, -a == patatine == potato chips
# peshk, -u, peshq == un pesce == a fish
# peshkatar, -i, -ë == un pescatore == a fisherman
# për == per == for, about
# peshë, -a, -a == peso == weight
# picë, -a, -a == una pizza == a pizza
# pikant, -i, -ë == piccante == spicy
# piktor, -i, -ë == un pittore == a painter
# pjatë, -a, -a == un piatto == a plate, a dish, a course (food)
# pompë, -, -a == una pompa == a pump
# pompoj == pompa == to pump
# pozicion, -i, -e == una posizione == a position
# proshutë, -a, -a == un prosciutto == a ham (also means bacon)
# rezistencë, -a, -a == una resistenza == a resistance
# salcë, -ë, -a == una salsa == a sauce
# salsiçise, -ja, -e == una salsiccia == a sausage
# sallatë, -a, -a == un'insalata == a salad
# siguri, -a, - == una sicurezza == a certainty
# sinkron, -e == synchrone == synchronous
# skuadër, -ra, -ra == una squadra == a team
# stilograf, -i, -ë == una penna stilografica == a fountain pen
# tendencë, -a, -a == una tendenza == a tendency, trend
# titull, -lli, -j == un titolo == a title
# tortë, -a, -a == una torta == a cake
# tradicional, -e == tradizionale == traditional
# tren, -i, -a == un treno == a train
# vazo, -ja, - == un vaso == a vaze
# vilë, -a, -a == una villa == a villa
# xhiro, -, - == un giro == a round, lap

=== Loan words for Swedish speakers / Lån ord för svensktalande ===
=== Loan words for Swedish speakers / Lån ord för svensktalande ===
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::* '''[https://www.memrise.com/course/1054595/discovering-albanian/ Discovering Albanian 1]''' (~1800 things to learn) a professional quality memrise based on the vocabulary lists of the book of the same name. This memrise '''contains audio''' in high quality, consistency and precision for practically all words and phrases to be learned. This memrise has over 1800 things to learn so it is the biggest available. The makers of this memrise have used sensible notation: For nouns indefinite and definite singular and indefinite plural are given etc. etc.
::* '''[https://www.memrise.com/course/1054595/discovering-albanian/ Discovering Albanian 1]''' (~1800 things to learn) a professional quality memrise based on the vocabulary lists of the book of the same name. This memrise '''contains audio''' in high quality, consistency and precision for practically all words and phrases to be learned. This memrise has over 1800 things to learn so it is the biggest available. The makers of this memrise have used sensible notation: For nouns indefinite and definite singular and indefinite plural are given etc. etc.
::* '''[https://www.memrise.com/course/463925/albanian-verbs-4/ Albanian Verbs]''' (~480 things to learn). Teaches you the 1st person singular form  of verbs (Albanian has no infinitives) with the exception of "to be" and "to have" where all present tense forms are taught in the last level.
::* '''[https://www.memrise.com/course/463925/albanian-verbs-4/ Albanian Verbs]''' (~480 things to learn). Teaches you the 1st person singular form  of verbs (Albanian has no infinitives) with the exception of "to be" and "to have" where all present tense forms are taught in the last level.
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