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+ == International Labour Organization ==
(+ == International Labour Organization ==)
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The '''UN''' ('''United Nations''') is the only place where all nations have to get together and talk without killing each other.  Well ok mostly without.
The '''[[w:United Nations|United Nations]] (UN)''' [http://www.un.org/ (.org)] is the only place where all nations have to get together and talk without killing each other.  Well ok mostly without.

There are several reasons [[Consumerium]] cares about the UN. For one thing, [[UNESCO]], [[UNHCR]] and other organizations within the UN have information we can mostly trust and that we want in our [[content wiki]].   The UN has as close as we can really get to a [[neutral point of view]] on some questions.
[[File:Flag_of_the_United_Nations.svg|thumb|right|320px|The flag of the United Nations sports their signature light blue colour.]]

For another thing, the [[ACUNU]] runs consultation projects and probably will at some point run an [[opinion wiki]] regarding issues in global economies... helping us focus user attention for [[simultaneous policy]] on a somewhat less [[factionally defined]] basis than relying on oh say [[Green Parties]] for this.
There are several reasons [[Consumerium]] cares about the UN.  For one thing, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ([[w:UNESCO]]), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ([[w:UNHCR]]) and other organizations within the UN have information we can mostly trust and that we want in our [[content wiki]].  The UN has as close as we can really get to a [[neutral point of view]] on some questions.

Finally, if there is ever world government, [[Consumerium Services]] will surely be either the biggest challenge to it, or the biggest part of it.  This should start with [[safe trade]] standards and move on to at least elimination of [[ape genocide]] and [[slavery]] (both already illegal, not economically or politically necessary anywhere).
Finally, if there is ever world government, [[Consumerium Services]] will surely be either the biggest challenge to it, or the biggest part of it.  This should start with [[safe trade]] standards and move on to at least elimination of [[ape genocide]] and [[slavery]] (both already illegal, not economically or politically necessary anywhere).

* '''[[World Intellectual Property Organization|WIPO]]''' [http://www.wipo.int/ (.int)] is a specialized agency of the [[UN]] that deals with issues regarding [[w:intellectual property]] protection.
= Key organizations for Consumerium within the UN System =
* '''[[United Nations Economic Commission for Europe|UNECE]]''' [http://www.unece.org (.org)] organizer and source of [[UN/LOCODE]] location identification and transport function database.
* '''[[#World Intellectual Property Organization|WIPO]]'''  
* '''[[#United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)|United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)]]'''
= UN organizations =
== International Labour Organization ==
The '''[[w:International Labour Organization]]''' ('''ILO'''), founded in 1919 is a [[w:United Nations]] agency that sets [[w:international labour standards]] and promotes social protection and work [[w:equal opportunity|opportunities for all]]. (Wikipedia)
== United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) ==
'''United Nations Economic Commission for Europe''' '''(UNECE)''' [http://www.unece.org (.org)] was set up in 1947 by ECOSOC. It is one of five regional commissions of the UN. 
* Its primary goal is to encourage greater economic cooperation among its member States.
* It focuses on economic analysis, environment and human settlements, statistics, sustainable energy, trade, industry and enterprise development, timber and transport.
* UNECE activities include policy analysis, development of conventions, regulations and standards, and technical assistance.
* UNECE has 55 member States. However, all interested UN member States may participate in its work.
* Over 70 international professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations take part in UNECE activities.
* Provides all sorts of fun papers such as 20-page PDFs describing what [http://www.unece.org/trade/agr/standard/fresh/fresh_e/50apples.pdf apples] are.
* Read more in Wikipedia [[w:United Nations Economic Commission for Europe]]
=== UN/LOCODE database by UNECE ===
UNECE is the organizer and source of '''[[UN/LOCODE]]''' location identification and transport function database, that is apparently in widespread daily use in the world. It effectively identifies all junctions of international trade.
* Read more in Wikipedia [[w:UN/LOCODE]]
=== UN/CEFACT information interexchange system ===
'''UN/CEFACT''' is an information interchange system by UNECE.
* Read more in Wikipedia [[w:UN/CEFACT]]
=== International E-road network ===
[[w:International E-road network]] is another trade facilitation initiative by UNECE.
== World Intellectual Property Organization ==
'''WIPO''' [http://www.wipo.int/ (.int)] is a specialized agency of the [[UN]] that deals with issues regarding [[w:intellectual property]] protection.
* Read more in Wikipedia: [[w:WIPO]]
=== WIPO and Consumerium ===
* WIPO is currently in charge of the leading candidate for [[product and service classifications]] selection: the [[Nice Classification]].
* [[w:WIPO Lex|WIPO Lex]] is an online database of national legislation and international treaties in the field of intellectual property.
== See also ==
* [[European Union Intellectual Property Office]] (EUIPO) has multilingual searchable database of NICE codes.


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