

Forgot to log that now redirects to the public free statuspage and The 20 Free ( as in beer ) SMS alerts if the Development Wiki goes down should now be operational.


'k .. paid the server bills today [✔]
.. made backups [✔]
.. verified backups [✔]


There was an outtage of approx. one day in duration that was resolved today. The Apache2 couldn't bind to socket for some reason.

I should really edit voting to reflect that it really does not make sense from a consumer privacy protection angle to have open personiefied voting, but open yet anonymized voting in where everyone sees what everyone voted but does not know who voted what ( unless explicitly made public ). This way any paid-trolling and skewing efforts can be countered by formulating anti-skewing vote counting measures and these are easy to distribute should active "trusted" parties/factions form.